I need to do the Caught Somewhere in Time quest...in doing some research,I think this is how it goes: after I complete these horrific battles with that quest, I go to the Lady of the Lake where she now sends me to Guns of Avalon quest, with more battles, including the great Pendragon....after I win those(lol)...I see the Lady of the Lake again, and she sends me onto The Dragons Den quest with the Black/White Dragons....after all THAT I think it might be a breather before all this leads to The Head of the Dragon quest, and then to A great Storm is coming quest......whew!....now, my Qestion: is there any STOP place between any of these quests?...and I'm not referring to the 30 min. breaks one can take to replenish health, get TC cards, get something to eat, etc....I'm referring to actual stopping, get out of the game and come back tomorrow....without!(important word ) losing all my previous ground that I have won so far?Or....is this ONE big dungeon and you cannot leave it until all the quests are done that I have mentioned?.....thanks for any imput!
I need to do the Caught Somewhere in Time quest...in doing some research,I think this is how it goes: after I complete these horrific battles with that quest, I go to the Lady of the Lake where she now sends me to Guns of Avalon quest, with more battles, including the great Pendragon....after I win those(lol)...I see the Lady of the Lake again, and she sends me onto The Dragons Den quest with the Black/White Dragons....after all THAT I think it might be a breather before all this leads to The Head of the Dragon quest, and then to A great Storm is coming quest......whew!....now, my Qestion: is there any STOP place between any of these quests?...and I'm not referring to the 30 min. breaks one can take to replenish health, get TC cards, get something to eat, etc....I'm referring to actual stopping, get out of the game and come back tomorrow....without!(important word ) losing all my previous ground that I have won so far?Or....is this ONE big dungeon and you cannot leave it until all the quests are done that I have mentioned?.....thanks for any imput!
The very end of Avalon is all dungeons, but don't worry, there aren't too many dungeons at the start of Azteca