Hi, My name is Cole Earthbreaker and I am a level 75 Fire soloist in Avalon. I have just reached the Wyrd and I need help. I have really been struggling on bosses and sometimes minions lately, and I wanted to see if you could give me any help. I haven't been able to deal enough damage to bosses before dying, and I need a good PvE only deck strategy that will work for bosses. I have tower, feint, satyr, vengeance, fortify, and colossal. I haven't done Wintertusk yet, though I plan to. I plan on farming for the rest of the waterworks gear and I'm gonna get crowns for a life mastery. Can you give me both a mob and boss deck strategy and tell me how to use it properly here in Avalon please?
Hi, My name is Cole Earthbreaker and I am a level 75 Fire soloist in Avalon. I have just reached the Wyrd and I need help. I have really been struggling on bosses and sometimes minions lately, and I wanted to see if you could give me any help. I haven't been able to deal enough damage to bosses before dying, and I need a good PvE only deck strategy that will work for bosses. I have tower, feint, satyr, vengeance, fortify, and colossal. I haven't done Wintertusk yet, though I plan to. I plan on farming for the rest of the waterworks gear and I'm gonna get crowns for a life mastery. Can you give me both a mob and boss deck strategy and tell me how to use it properly here in Avalon please?
Cole Earthbreaker
Level 75 Fire Soloist
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Hi, My name is Cole Earthbreaker and I am a level 75 Fire soloist in Avalon. I have just reached the Wyrd and I need help. I have really been struggling on bosses and sometimes minions lately, and I wanted to see if you could give me any help. I haven't been able to deal enough damage to bosses before dying, and I need a good PvE only deck strategy that will work for bosses. I have tower, feint, satyr, vengeance, fortify, and colossal. I haven't done Wintertusk yet, though I plan to. I plan on farming for the rest of the waterworks gear and I'm gonna get crowns for a life mastery. Can you give me both a mob and boss deck strategy and tell me how to use it properly here in Avalon please?
Cole Earthbreaker
Level 75 Fire Soloist
Greetings Cole.
Couple things.
First, salute to you for attempting to solo Avalon, odd that you're having difficulty but that's why we're here, to help in bridging that gap if you will and further aid you and others to successful questing in the world of Wizard101.
Now, I realise that you've already learnt some key spells. Good. Now, this is what I suggest:
Get more than one decks (at least three) - One Deck for mob fights, One for fire bosses and another main deck for boss battles. Now, you might be wondering why I suggest having three decks. Well, Cole my friend, often times during casual mob battles, our decks are so overloaded and packed that causual mob battles are taking up to 15-20 minutes to complete. No one has time for that. So, a smaller deck with a couple meteors, colossal, couple blades (feint if necessary) and amplify not vengeance or fortiy and the battle should be over within minutes.
Build your fire deck for fire bosses only. - Meaning, this deck should contain converts (mass if necessary), a couple satyrs, feints, etc. Also, infallible works well in this deck too along with other piercing if you can't find a convert in time and you just want to attack to take out the boss' mob(s).
Have a main deck for general boss battles - Since you're soloing, you need to have a deck that is properly equipped to handle yourself effectively. You mentioned that you'll be getting a life mastery shortly, try to make that time hastily as this is key to your success. You don't have time wasting four whole pips/turns just to heal with satyr, you need the life mastery, especially this late in the game. Also, note that fortify helps in this case as it gives you a little resistance and in essence time to build up for your attack(s).
Did you learn your level 75 Summon Minion Spell? - If not, then you know what to do. Learn it. The quest should be available from the Professor of Storm in Ravenwood. Since you're soloing, this extra hands will be more than helpful/useful.
Hi, My name is Cole Earthbreaker and I am a level 75 Fire soloist in Avalon. I have just reached the Wyrd and I need help. I have really been struggling on bosses and sometimes minions lately, and I wanted to see if you could give me any help. I haven't been able to deal enough damage to bosses before dying, and I need a good PvE only deck strategy that will work for bosses. I have tower, feint, satyr, vengeance, fortify, and colossal. I haven't done Wintertusk yet, though I plan to. I plan on farming for the rest of the waterworks gear and I'm gonna get crowns for a life mastery. Can you give me both a mob and boss deck strategy and tell me how to use it properly here in Avalon please?
Cole Earthbreaker
Level 75 Fire Soloist
Also note that:
Gear is important - You mentioned that you'll be farming for your waterworks gear. That's good. If you've the time and patience, I suggest doing so, it helps.
Craft - Many decent/excellent items are only available through recipes sold by vendors. They also provide good substitute for items available in dungeons such as Waterworks and Darkmoor until you're possibly able to get these in the near future.
Make Friends - Make good and reliable friends. Try to avoid the jerks, scammers, bullies, you know, the pollutants of the game and stick to those willing to aid you. Try not to bombard them with help request though, that gets annoying really fast.
What I have found is that you need to tailor your deck for each set of mobs or boss/minion combination. Where possible have the appropriate shields available and cast them for the first few rounds when the opponent has massive amounts of pips and tend to cast nasty spells. This is especially true for boss fights if you can block their first few attacks they slow down quite a bit and you have a better chance to really work the offense.
One thing you should probably go to Wintertusk enough to get power link spell if nothing else since it is one of the best spells in our deck, especially in boss fights.
Depending on the boss in question I either go for quick kill with a combination of blades, traps and then at the appropriate time an efreet. In a fight like this I stack my treasure cards with traps and blades, as well as the same traps/blades in my main deck for double effect. six or seven blades/traps including a feint will kill most bosses when you use efreet with a colossal.
The other method for bosses I use is to stack my deck with links, power links, fire elves and enchants. This will generally be a slow but safe way of handling a tougher non-fire boss solo. Fire elf is probably one of the most underestimated spells out there in my opinion, being able to easily do over 2k damage.
For minion fights my strategy changes per opponent, but typically I have a deck of around 10-15 cards which includes 2-3 enchants, 2-3 meteor strikes and appropriate shields vs the enemy and reshuffle. Generally I don't bother with healing spells (or even links for minion fights), the expectation being if I need to heal before I finish them off I am doing something wrong. I also turn off all or most of the wand/pet spells, leaving at most only a couple for stragglers.
First, salute to you for attempting to solo Avalon, odd that you're having difficulty but that's why we're here, to help in bridging that gap if you will and further aid you and others to successful questing in the world of Wizard101.
Now, I realise that you've already learnt some key spells. Good. Now, this is what I suggest:
Get more than one decks (at least three) - One Deck for mob fights, One for fire bosses and another main deck for boss battles. Now, you might be wondering why I suggest having three decks. Well, Cole my friend, often times during casual mob battles, our decks are so overloaded and packed that causual mob battles are taking up to 15-20 minutes to complete. No one has time for that. So, a smaller deck with a couple meteors, colossal, couple blades (feint if necessary) and amplify not vengeance or fortiy and the battle should be over within minutes.
Build your fire deck for fire bosses only. - Meaning, this deck should contain converts (mass if necessary), a couple satyrs, feints, etc. Also, infallible works well in this deck too along with other piercing if you can't find a convert in time and you just want to attack to take out the boss' mob(s).
Have a main deck for general boss battles - Since you're soloing, you need to have a deck that is properly equipped to handle yourself effectively. You mentioned that you'll be getting a life mastery shortly, try to make that time hastily as this is key to your success. You don't have time wasting four whole pips/turns just to heal with satyr, you need the life mastery, especially this late in the game. Also, note that fortify helps in this case as it gives you a little resistance and in essence time to build up for your attack(s).
Did you learn your level 75 Summon Minion Spell? - If not, then you know what to do. Learn it. The quest should be available from the Professor of Storm in Ravenwood. Since you're soloing, this extra hands will be more than helpful/useful.
The multiple decks thing is a great idea too.
I personally have a large deck for bosses which I adapt for each specific encounter based on the bosses resistances and any known cheats.
I have a second deck that I haven't changed in months that I use solely for farming Loremaster in Team up groups. Basically that is 3 meteors, 1 firebird, 3 enchants, 1 choke, 1 feint, 1 fire blade, 1 elemental blade, 1 reshuffle and 1 elemental trap...with a treasure deck full of cleanse charms to negate weaks either on myself or one of the others. This deck especially works great if you are first person so you can either support or attack at will.
My third deck is my minion deck which is similar to my Loremaster deck except I add a dragon or two, a shield or two and a couple of prisms as necessary.
This has served me well up to my current point in Azteca, soloing probably around 95% of the time. I only use team up for boss fights, generally if I have lost several times or if someone else wants help.
Everyone has given you great advice, but Edward suggested getting your level 75 minion and Goldenoak mentioned using Power Link. Unfortunately you can't do either unless you stop everything and do Wintertusk now!!
Make sure you did the early part of Grizzleheim & that you earned a level 35 spell called Fuel. It gives you three Fire traps at once, for 2 pips. Use them! Then, go on to complete at least the first three sections of Wintertusk.
As you enter the 3rd area called Sudriland, you should get a quest from Eric Wyrdrune in Grizzleheim that will give you a Power Link spell. It's a more powerful version of Link that will heal you (40 + 240 health) while also dealing Damage Over Time (55 + 345 damage) for just 4 pips. With healing & damage boosts, plus a high critical chance, this spell will seriously change the game for a solo Fire wizard.
After you've completed the level 55 quest you'll get another quest at level 75 for a higher health Fire minion, Sir Lamorark. He has 1700 health & uses up to 7-pip spells, such as Fire Dragon. In addition, you'll be able to get your level 58 school pet.
A final benefit to Wintertusk is the crafted gear you can make at level 56. It's nearly as good as Waterworks gear, but without the headache of endless farming. (Waterworks is best, but Wintertusk crafted gear is an excellent alternative & guaranteed to fall into your hands - as long as you finished the Celestian crafting and can gather the needed reagents.)
But at the very least, get through Wintertusk so you can get those spells - they will help you a lot!
I have just gotten a life mastery, and I'm on the final dungeon of Wintertusk. Planning to farm waterworks after I get my minion. The decks suggested really help, and I'm about to get amplify, but I need the troggs in Wintertusk. Thank you everybody for helping me, and I was just wondering when I should switch from waterworks gear. When should I switch gear? I was thinking level 90 or so.
Switching gear depends on your basic strategies and whether you prefer grinding through dungeons or not.
Crafted gear in Avalon is available at level 76, and many choose to swap their Waterworks boots for the crafted combination of their school + Ice, due to those boots having high resist and crit. block. Level 86 crafted gear is the very slightest improvement ever, at the cost of completing a crafting quest many can't finish until they reach level 95. And then, why bother to craft level 86 at all...? Level 96 crafted gear is so/so in terms of stat improvements, with resist being one of the stats to suffer most. So far, there's nothing else to craft after 96 - the Polaris update provided nothing to craft, and Mirage only provides a crafted wand with questionable stats in terms of usefulness.
So, after level 70 you're going to be turning to drops for the most part....
The Poseidon gear at level 70 (Aquila) is comparable to Waterworks, with higher pips and critical, but lower damage and defense.
At level 90 there is Hades gear, again in Aquila. I don't know how many people feel the Hades robes, etc, are worth the effort. From what I've seen, not many do. But ... the ring and athame from Cronus and Gladiator Dimarchaeus are absolutely worth it to farm for!
At level 100 comes Darkmoor. Also, the Exalted "Ultra" dungeons drop some fantastic gear.
When it comes to Darkmoor & Exalted gear, there's no question that it's worth it to upgrade at level 100, no matter what you had before.