It's been a while since I made a post here, unfortunately, and I've come to seek the aid of the community again.
I know it's a little late, but I'm a level 82 on the Deepwater in Avalon. Boss battles and minion battles are taking me longer and longer, and recently in a boss battle that lasted at least ten minutes I accidentally disconnected, and I was in no mood to do that boss again. I realize that was my fault, but my problem is on a deeper level.
Usually for minions, I use a combination of blades and blade TC with humongofrogs along with sun spells. It usually takes at least a handful of minutes to finish them off completely. For bosses, I mainly pack Medusa with blades, auras, sun spells, and healing spells, and of course a minion or two. While I usually win, I'm finding that more often then ever before I'm actually losing to bosses. I'm a higher level then a life friend of mine in the same area (level 72 !) and he's told me that he doesn't have the same issue, so I've narrowed down the issue to my taste in cards.
Does anybody know a good deck format/ TC that can shorten these kind of fights? I'm looking for opinions from fellow wizards who have traversed these areas- presumably Myth, but also anybody who has even a remote suggestion- the utter best way to take them out. I also have Waterworks gear, which I heard can last me a long time, so I think I'm good at that front as well. Send me your knowledge, fellow wizards!
Deepwater is one of the more difficult areas in Avalon. It helps prepare you similarly to how Elephant Graveyard prepares you in Zafaria for the challenges yet to come.
Now, as of writing, I'm guessing you'd have already gone through here and onto the challenges I've eluded to earlier.
You are also correct on a few other things, namely your gear and deck setup to some extent.
At level 82, you're quite over leveled, so, you shouldn't be struggling too much, so, let's dissect and apply some knowledge and techniques here.
Gear - Your gear is top notch here, but, what about your ring? Athame? Wand? and Pet? These items are also crucial to your success. For a, I recommend crafting the Courtly Dirk from Shane MacGobhann in The Wild. Alternatively, you can opt for the Level 56+ school only athame (and ring) from the Bazaar .
Amulet - Life Mastery or Shango's Amulet providing a Mythblade Card.
Pet - Important! Do you have a reliable pet? One that has talents that can assist in battle? If not, I suggest you begin to create one right away.
Deck Setup - As we've said. You seem to have the right idea as it relates to your deck setup. Blades, Frog, enchants, Feints. Now, when it comes on to bosses, I recommend tweaking this a little. Since you don't have a school heal, do you have a life mastery? If you do, place a Satyr or two in, if not, get the TC and have it in your side deck. Additionally, carry TC Feints, Myth and Spiritual Blades. TC also helps too Reliquary. Use frog first to take the mob(s) out before zoning on the boss. Defend (shield/heal) if necessary. TC or regular Fortify can come in handy as you blade and trap. You can then finish the boss with Medusa as you suggested or enchanted Minotaur (don't underestimate the power of your enchanted lower pip spells).