To first begin off with my glitches in Azteca right now as I try to complete it, I've encountered many of them. Hopefully the admins will finally look at posts and try to do something to fix it, as I've honestly started to think that Azteca is a lost cause.
My first one is the collecting. I understand the collecting take a while, but I'm collecting the rock's jade teeth from the ice parrots in Cloudburst Forest and I've already fought about 12 of them for this quest line, only to relieve 2. I understand it takes time, but honestly have to collect 4 with the current ratio I have, it honestly makes me so angry.
Another glitch I have is that it just seems to be Azteca, but it takes a minute at the minimum for places to load. It takes forever, but most of the time it says it isn't ready and just teleports me back to my previous location, with cool downs on my teleport buttons and my marked point gone. Not only that, but after multiple attempts of only being on for about 30 minutes, the game quits me and says "I've been on too long (possible problem)".
The ice mobs I understand that they can cast tower shield and stun, but the parrots from the first glitch literally only cast those 2 spells, until they have enough to cast frost giant. It honestly is no fun, and I'm really starting to think about leaving Azteca.
The last glitch which I'll be ranting about is the bosses. I'm not talking difficulty or anything, but when my friends teleport to me to help me, the boss disappears as soon as the battle joins. Thus, we're left fighting mobs. After that, the mobs all re spawn with the boss this time in the battle. What is the purpose of that? It just annoys everyone and wastes more time.
Hopefully these get fixed because I know for a fact I'm not the only person who is annoyed at these (know KI they probably will ignore this thread and do nothing -.-)
What you listed doesn't seem to be glitches but rather complains you have about the world.
I will say however that the world is quite annoying.
It drains your face of it's natural moisture making you feel so tired out and wrinkled, much like infamous cheating storm boss in Pitch Black Lake I believe it was I: