There are many situations where it is extremely difficult to communicate with players who do not have text chat, especially for bosses that use cheats. For instance, on the Twin Giants Belloq boss fight, where Belloq cheat-casts a Ra that has 1200+ base damage every round that he doesn't get hit, I needed help. I used Team Up to find a partner, but the person who I got only had menu chat. I used 1-pip and 0-pip spells on the boss every round while he was preparing blades and traps for a big hit. However, he had no idea what I was doing, and I had no way of telling him. He started spamming "No", so I stopped hitting the boss for a round, and let Belloq cheat-cast a Ra. However, when I resumed spamming 0 and 1 pip spells, he immediately fled the duel because he did not understand what I was doing, so he thought I was trolling. This has always been an issue, but I am having issues with this in Azteca more than previous worlds due to the amount of bosses that use cheats. My suggestion would be adding a menu chat option to say something like "This boss uses cheats" and possibly something more specific, like a boss-specific menu chat option that just lists the cheats of the current boss.