I have done every quest in Azteca except "getting flowers in floating mtns". The only reason I didn't finish that one is, I couldn't get to the floating mtns. I've talked to Ambrose and Gamma, I went back to both of them, no ? over either's head. The next world hasn't loaded, so I'm missing something. plz help.
To be granted access to Khrysalis , the next world, these requirements must be met:
Your Wizard must be a minimum of level 85*You must have completed the Azteca quest "Speaker for the Dead" Speak to Merle Ambrose and he will send you to summon members of the council of light with the quest "Letters of Light" Did you satisfy this all?
I have done every quest in Azteca except "getting flowers in floating mtns". The only reason I didn't finish that one is, I couldn't get to the floating mtns. I've talked to Ambrose and Gamma, I went back to both of them, no ? over either's head. The next world hasn't loaded, so I'm missing something. plz help.
If you can't get to the Floating Mtns, then are you sure you've finished Azteca...?
Have you gotten to the Twin Giants? Did you get to Xibalba and try to stop the comet from destroying Azteca? If not, did you use your quest finder in the back of your quest log to make sure you haven't overlooked any important quests?
If you did indeed get to Xibalba and try to stop the comet, are you also over level 85?
If you did all that and you say that you've talked to Ambrose already, then he would have sent you toseveral different NPCs to get the help. Did you go and talk to the various leaders? The quest is called Letters of Light, and it sends you to Zafaria and Avalon.
Be sure that you're paying attention to the dialog, as they often tell you exactly what you need to do.
But if you can't get to the Floating Mountains and haven't been there yet, it sounds to me like you dropped the main quest somewhere in Azteca and you're not finished with the world. You should use your quest finder to find it. Or, contact KI Support to get yourself back on track.
I will double check the letters of light. Where did that originate? Pretty sure I delivered them all, but, maybe didn't go back to originator? I don't have any quests, except finding the hidden items. Thanks, I hope you're not getting sick of me, lol.
I am an idiot. I gave the letters and they gathered together in the ice tower. The quest they gave me was not in the new world but for them in the ice tower in Ravenswood. It was called Isle of something and since I never heard of it I assumed it was in the next world. I ported to the next world, that I can't spell and the quest wasn't there. So I went through each world, until the arrow hit in Wizard City, smh. That will teach me to stop playing in the middle of a quest! So sorry for wasting your time. You are a wonderful person to help Doe Does like me.