I have tried at least 35 times to defeat Tolkmec And the 2 minions its impossible! I used up my 50 crowns to get a life minion and it helped but I still died!!! can somebody help me? The best I can do is get her down to around 4,000!
What I normally do during these spell quests is 1. make sure I have the best gear I can get (at your level that would be waterworks gear) 2. I don't waste turns, for example I don't shield so instead I blade and trap every round. 3. have a plan on what kills and what will kill in one turn. I only keep in heals for safety. Don't over-pack your deck or you won't be able to find something. I put in only stuff I will use and I don't put in copies because I only need to use blades, traps, hits, enchants. The boss is hard but you have to keep trying.
I have tried at least 35 times to defeat Tolkmec And the 2 minions its impossible! I used up my 50 crowns to get a life minion and it helped but I still died!!! can somebody help me? The best I can do is get her down to around 4,000!
the best advice I can offer is pack treasure card Life shields. -85 shields are very handy and always ready to be cast since they're treasure cards. One other piece of advice I'd like to offer, always try to go first. Even if that means constantly logging out/in to reset the battle. shielding before a boss hit can make all the difference
Thanks for the help it worked a little bit but then I still died! But I did manage to get her down to about 1,200! I'm level 90 now and I got the quest for the final quest in Azteca Xiabalba but I still don't have the sun serpent spell
I'm at Krysails now and I'm level 91 now......still cant get my sun serpent spell! I seriously need help a lot! plus I still don't have the astrial spell furnace ( I'm a fire Wiz) and I don't have the quest for sharpen blade.. can someone please help me?
I'm at Krysails now and I'm level 91 now......still cant get my sun serpent spell! I seriously need help a lot! plus I still don't have the astrial spell furnace ( I'm a fire Wiz) and I don't have the quest for sharpen blade.. can someone please help me?
NicholasFrostFlame level 91
Make sure you are using fire prisms, some people don't know to use them and also use the post I had said before about an idea of what to put in your deck.
I don't have all of the waterworks gear I only have the hat...and I do use my prisms and I recently been using the treasure cards +40 fire blade and +40 elemental blade and +30 elemental traps for trying to get done with Tolemec!
UNBELIVABLE! ( sorry for bad spelling if I spelled it wrong) I'm level 95 Still can get the sun serpent spell I just tried it again 5 minutes ago and I died! I also I'm really close to SHADOW MAGIC! ( I think) somebody Please help me
UNBELIVABLE! ( sorry for bad spelling if I spelled it wrong) I'm level 95 Still can get the sun serpent spell I just tried it again 5 minutes ago and I died! I also I'm really close to SHADOW MAGIC! ( I think) somebody Please help me
NicholasFrostFlame lvl 95 wizard
Wow man, still? The advice mentioned above is really good, don't sleep on it. Apply it, but it's a little surprising that you're still having difficulties though. Shield, Blade and attack appropriately.
I don't have all of the waterworks gear I only have the hat...and I do use my prisms and I recently been using the treasure cards +40 fire blade and +40 elemental blade and +30 elemental traps for trying to get done with Tolemec!
NicholasFrostFlame wiz
Try farming for the waterworks gear, it is worth it. Make sure you don't waste turns because that can be deadly.
I hate this quest I have been trying and get nowhere. This spell better be worth it because sometimes it is not. This is way to hard. I shouldn't be trying for a month and still not complete it. It seems more like luck than using any strategy or skill. Very frustrating
My Ice/Life guy just tanked his way through this one. He has built in 50% shields to everything and a few TC shields and Tower shields and he was golden.
My Myth/Fire/lifeguy had other problems. This one drove me nuts. No matter what combination of spells/blades/traps/shields I used, I just couldn't win. I tried just killing one of the minions, but, he came back after I died and came back myself. Couldn't build enogh shields fast enough, or, couldn't kill them fast enough.
Finally broke down and bought a lvl 50 henchman. He didn't hench well. Then I bought a lvl 120 henchman and between the two of us, it was pretty easy. Total Cheat, but, So do they!
Can't wait for the Life/Death guy to get here. He is nuts. Shouldn't have any problems. (hope!)
My best advice I can give is to wipe the fire mobs first then flee and come back and just focus on the main boss. This is easy for me and I got the boss no problem.
All ya have to do is get a fire resist suit. Buy the highest fire resist gear ya can wear try toget the fire resistance up to 100% or near it then make a fire fighting deck with as many traps and converts you can get. Then just go at it. It might take ya a while but if you resist is high enough they can't hurt ya that much. I now have a suit which is 100% fire immune and no fire can hurt me unless they have converts or a lot of pierce. I also have a fire damage deck with loads of converts reg and multi and a few ice spells. I take a while to kill the fire enemies but they can't touch me. Good luck.
While I am sure the original poster has already figured a way past this (or rage quit at this point)...I recently went through this and here is my advice for anyone struggling.
Took me a couple of tries on this one, ultimately a touch of bad luck, lazy pet (not healing me), etc...but in the end mass prism, a couple of blades and dragon will generally wipe out the minions pretty quick. Then its just life shields, blades, traps and an efreet or two. Two feints (TC/regular), fire blades, elemental blades, elemental traps and fire traps (potent and regular), a high pip backdraft if you are particularly vindictive and you can kill the boss in one attack with efreet.
Also now with monstrology you can get dispel cards for the minions just by collecting animus while running the preliminary tasks. Even one dispel can change the balance of the fight from very difficult to somewhat challenging. You can also bring in a monstrology minion. For example a thunder horn zombie would make a good weapon against the fire zombies...being ice creatures and almost entirely offensive in nature, with the only drawback being they make using feints challenging.