I have a level 89 wizard and i have looked online for level 90 gear, but now i am confused and unsure after some time debating and calculating i have a set of gear in mind that gives the following stats plz tell me if any of this is acceptable and if not, tell what stats i should aim for (not including jewels/amulet/pet) +1625 +445 mana healing +3%out +22%in PP +50% ACC +8% DMG +60% DEF +21% CRIT +368 BLOCK +17028 PIERCE +13% 5 wand hits (no extra cards from items used in above calculations)
I have a level 89 wizard and i have looked online for level 90 gear, but now i am confused and unsure after some time debating and calculating i have a set of gear in mind that gives the following stats plz tell me if any of this is acceptable and if not, tell what stats i should aim for (not including jewels/amulet/pet) +1625 +445 mana healing +3%out +22%in PP +50% ACC +8% DMG +60% DEF +21% CRIT +368 BLOCK +17028 PIERCE +13% 5 wand hits (no extra cards from items used in above calculations)
PP +50% - recommend +75% Not having a high enough power pip chance can really decrease your survivability if you cannot pull of high pip attacks in a shorter amount of time.
Block 28 - recommend 177 Looking for high block statistics in your gear will definitely protect you from potentially fatal criticals. 177 = 25% Although this stat can be difficult to reach, prioritizing your block through your boots, athame, rings or even balanced with the critical on your wand can add a nice boost to this stat.
Otherwise everything else looks pretty good! Once you reach 90 gear, a lot of the hats and wands are focused on critical and damage, so at that point it may be wise to have resist, power pip chance, and block focused on other parts of gear.
Hope to see you all in the Spiral! Nathan GreenEyes 120 PvP Commander Nathan GreenEyes 110 Couch Potato Hoarder Ryan HexPyre 104 Always Dying Nathan GreenEyes 94+ Hot in more ways than one (lol)
Agree that you should raise your universal critical block to at least 175 if at all possible. The higher the better, when it comes to block because criticals can really hurt.
Also, get your Pips above 80% and your accuracy in Balance to at least 10% (which comes out to 95% accuracy total). If your pips are too low - 50% is WAY too low - you're really going to struggle. If your circle is filled up with regular pips, you won't have enough power to use your highest level spells until you 'spend' the single pips by casting a lower powered spell to clear them out. (And yes, that has happened to me!)
Also fizzles at the wrong moment can cost you the battle so prevent that as much as you can with near perfect accuracy.
Jewels and pets can help you supplement these stats.