I was questing on my Balance today and I almost pulled my hair out for this boss fight. Constant weakness spamming was only one part of the annoyance. I counted and she literally satyr healed for 1100 five times! It went on so long I was literally a few cards shy of running out of attacks. This needs to be fixed, death bosses shouldn't be able to satyr. Just sayin'.
Unfortunately, Bosses in Az can do a lot of things they weren't able to do before including the use of off school spells and more mutated spells. Your best bet is to put an Entangle on a boss as soon as you see something like that. My life wiz hit Skurkis with a Gnome that leaves 2 Entangles on them and that reduced that problem. The AIs are getting smarter while our wizards are getting weaker.
I was questing on my Balance today and I almost pulled my hair out for this boss fight. Constant weakness spamming was only one part of the annoyance. I counted and she literally satyr healed for 1100 five times! It went on so long I was literally a few cards shy of running out of attacks. This needs to be fixed, death bosses shouldn't be able to satyr. Just sayin'.
I understand what you mean. This is like PvP. I didnt consider to train Entagle and Infection on my PvE wizards, but now, looks like we have to do it.
Tip: If you run out of cards, I recomend training Reshuffle. And have a friend to help you! Its always good to chat and let all that stress out.
And if you dont like the healing, well build up for a once hit kill.
I recomend this as your killing sequence:
School Blade > Tri-Blade > Item or Sharpened School Blade > Item or Sharpened Tri-Blade > Feint > Item Feint > Azteca, Berserk, or any other Damage Boosting Aura > Scarecrow > Deer Knight or Skeletal Pirate, Vampie, Wrath
If that doesnt kill, blade fast and attack. Make sure this shot will be enough to kill, before he heals it up.
I was questing on my Balance today and I almost pulled my hair out for this boss fight. Constant weakness spamming was only one part of the annoyance. I counted and she literally satyr healed for 1100 five times! It went on so long I was literally a few cards shy of running out of attacks. This needs to be fixed, death bosses shouldn't be able to satyr. Just sayin'.
The bosses in this world cheat just like the others, and they have mastery amulets. They are entitled to use Satyr...so are you. You need to equip at least one reshuffle card in your deck and figure out what triggers the Satyr spell. More info is here: http://www.wizard101central.com/wiki/Creature:Skurkis_Screaming_Moon_%28Cenote%29
I understand what you mean. This is like PvP. I didnt consider to train Entagle and Infection on my PvE wizards, but now, looks like we have to do it.
Tip: If you run out of cards, I recomend training Reshuffle. And have a friend to help you! Its always good to chat and let all that stress out.
And if you dont like the healing, well build up for a once hit kill.
I recomend this as your killing sequence:
School Blade > Tri-Blade > Item or Sharpened School Blade > Item or Sharpened Tri-Blade > Feint > Item Feint > Azteca, Berserk, or any other Damage Boosting Aura > Scarecrow > Deer Knight or Skeletal Pirate, Vampie, Wrath
If that doesnt kill, blade fast and attack. Make sure this shot will be enough to kill, before he heals it up.
I'm sorrry i did a terrible mistake!
You are not a death but a Sorcerer!
Balance Blade > Sharp one > Bladestorm > Sharp one > Feint > Potent/Iten Feint > Aura > Ra > Judge or Sandstorm or Savage Paw > Samorai
If that doesnt kill, blade fast and attack. Make sure this shot will be enough to kill, before he heals it up.
I was questing on my Balance today and I almost pulled my hair out for this boss fight. Constant weakness spamming was only one part of the annoyance. I counted and she literally satyr healed for 1100 five times! It went on so long I was literally a few cards shy of running out of attacks. This needs to be fixed, death bosses shouldn't be able to satyr. Just sayin'.
mostly some balance to spam there super nova and mana burn because high attack but short amount of pips because your balance so, spam them to attack them easy when help you to defeat ice wizard in PVP which some people that are mana burn spammer call you a cheater or hackers (for spamming most annoying spell)
100% for all school (don't like balance of new spell call: Mana Burn and Super Nova 100% for all school (don't like storm of new spell call: Current Healing and Enfleeable 100% for all school (don't like life of new spell call: Guardian Spirit 100% for ice (don't like fire and storm because they think are overpower to then ice but storm more attack with less fizzle and ice don't like fire wizard (they alway thing want they want to being overpower more then ice so, they can't defeat them easy because upset about immunity
100% for mostly all school (don't like storm because using there insane bolt without killing there self in pvp
and also one thing because getting odd feeling (because ice wizard can't get immunity of storm and fire) Will they add more resist to crafting gear to ice wizard then fire and storm but will be ICE,MYTH,LIFE,DEATH,BALANCE?
or is it our crafting gear resist for all school go down but school resist go up?
(like one in Azteca) say 100% all school didn't like new crafting gear in azteca
but one question (why do you think why they lower there crafting gear but avalon is better one then azteca?
I was questing on my Balance today and I almost pulled my hair out for this boss fight. Constant weakness spamming was only one part of the annoyance. I counted and she literally satyr healed for 1100 five times! It went on so long I was literally a few cards shy of running out of attacks. This needs to be fixed, death bosses shouldn't be able to satyr. Just sayin'.
skurkis was using a life mastery and she isn't hard at all hehehehe if you don't have a life mastery why not buy one because the helping hands spell won't work that well and why not put 3 feints on her a real 1 a tc 1 and a pet 1 (if you have 1 i don't rofl) or if u don't wanna use a life mastery use an amulet feint then buy a death convert and chimera like crazy so then you can kill in 1 hit i did on my death and there's a storm spell you can use called cleanse charm you can use that to erase weaknesses and infections