so I'm currently in celestia level 51 myth wizard I've mostly been a solo player but ever since I made it to celestia I barely stand a chance soloing I mostly have to wait in team up just so i can beat bosses this world is way too hard for me I'm currently up to tangleroot and I just wanna know does it get any easier?
This is where a lot of players take a break and work on Wintertusk to level up some. Yes it does get easier, but it's definitely easier if you level up and also Wintertusk crafted gear gives you a big boost.
I always though Celestia was easier than Dragonspyre, simply because the monsters there stop spamming weakness and shields, and you get double the experience from Dragonspyre.
I used to do Celestia first but only because I hadn't ever done Grizzleheim or Wintertusk. But when I started to do those worlds, I figured out that Wintertusk is better to do first and then Celestia.
Have a strategy in mind when fighting mobs and bosses. When I fought the mobs on my ice. I would blade twice or three times and then hit right away with a monstrous enchant tc. I never wasted turns shielding. I never shielded and rarely healed when fighting bosses.
The trouble with the "finish wintertusk first" school of thought is wintertusk is actually a bit harder than celestia. Right off the bat, you are fighting frost bones, 1715 health and they love to put up tower shields. For most schools they are way harder than the common creatures in Celestia. Though I grant myth has a bit of an advantage with minotaur/orthrus, that can get around a single tower shield. I wouldn't go with the "do wintertusk first" strategy unless you have a questing buddy to help you.
It does get easier. Bazaar purchaseable gear increases in power dramatically as you go up from level 52 to level 58. You can run waterworks to get even better gear. Available sun damage enchantments steadily increase in power at the same 2 level increments. If you do Wintertusk you get the medusa spell at level 58.
You want the ninja pigs spell. 5 pips for a flat 640 damage, which is huge, and gets full benefit from traps, unlike minotaur/orthrus. Go farm Koto in cave of solitude until it drops (its the learned spell that drops from Koto, not a treasure card). The drop chance is low but Koto is easy to defeat, you can probably do 50 runs in 3-4 hours if you have to (I have farmed Ninja pigs with three different characters, one took 22 tries one 45, and one got it second try).
Minotaur minion can help give you staying power, he'll taunt enemies into attacking him instead of you, do a little damage, and occasionally help you out with tower shields, sprites, and spirit armor. However, he has an irritating tendency to burn any traps you try to place on enemies. Golem minion will usually just get burned by a meteor strike. Cyclops and troll minions won't do enough damage to really matter and don't help defend you, they're a waste of pips. If you bring minions but need to use traps anyway put a siphon health in your deck so you can make the minion go way late in the battle when you set traps.
The trouble with the "finish wintertusk first" school of thought is wintertusk is actually a bit harder than celestia. Right off the bat, you are fighting frost bones, 1715 health and they love to put up tower shields. For most schools they are way harder than the common creatures in Celestia. Though I grant myth has a bit of an advantage with minotaur/orthrus, that can get around a single tower shield. I wouldn't go with the "do wintertusk first" strategy unless you have a questing buddy to help you.
It does get easier. Bazaar purchaseable gear increases in power dramatically as you go up from level 52 to level 58. You can run waterworks to get even better gear. Available sun damage enchantments steadily increase in power at the same 2 level increments. If you do Wintertusk you get the medusa spell at level 58.
You want the ninja pigs spell. 5 pips for a flat 640 damage, which is huge, and gets full benefit from traps, unlike minotaur/orthrus. Go farm Koto in cave of solitude until it drops (its the learned spell that drops from Koto, not a treasure card). The drop chance is low but Koto is easy to defeat, you can probably do 50 runs in 3-4 hours if you have to (I have farmed Ninja pigs with three different characters, one took 22 tries one 45, and one got it second try).
Minotaur minion can help give you staying power, he'll taunt enemies into attacking him instead of you, do a little damage, and occasionally help you out with tower shields, sprites, and spirit armor. However, he has an irritating tendency to burn any traps you try to place on enemies. Golem minion will usually just get burned by a meteor strike. Cyclops and troll minions won't do enough damage to really matter and don't help defend you, they're a waste of pips. If you bring minions but need to use traps anyway put a siphon health in your deck so you can make the minion go way late in the battle when you set traps.
That one creature is hardly a reason to say Wintertusk is harder than Celestia. It's really the exception rather than the rule. I personally do Celestia first ONLY to get to the Floating Lands and the crafting quest. Then I level up in Wintertusk and craft the level 56 gear there. Then return to do the vast majority of Celestia, which is much harder if you haven't leveled up in WT first. Especially for Life & Death wizards with no AOE yet. I would also say, leave the minions at home. They really become worthless after Dragonspyre except for certain boss battles as a distraction.
Get a Jewel of the Feint (an Amulet with 1 Feint Item Card). Learn the Feint spell from Dworgyn. These stack, allowing you to hit for roughly triple damage with just a couple traps. Train Ice up through Tower Shield. Learn Reshuffle from Mildred Farseer in Colossus Boulevard. If you cannot train these, make sure you have all of your Prospector Zeke quests done for Training Points.
Make sure you are using a Power Pip-granting wand, and that you're getting substantial damage from your gear (roughly +1% per character level for all gear).
When you get to 60, head to Waterworks using the Join Team button. You can farm gear there that will take you to level 90.
When starting any battle, you will have two enemies attacking you twice as fast as you are attacking them. Even the odds as fast as possible by eliminating the weaker enemy. Use single hit spells, ideally Ninja Pigs.
Once this is done, heal back up using Pixies or other forms of healing. You should be able to heal faster than a single enemy can hurt you, especially if you use appropriate shields. Tower Shields are good, but the double shields each school gets you as your 4th spell are actually a lot better against an enemy of the right type. I only use Tower Shields against Ice or Balance enemies.
Feint and Item Card Feint together will yield a triple damage hit. A couple of blades and an Age of Legends global will bump this up to around seven times damage. (If you're using a minion, sacrifice it for pips before applying feints.)
Lastly, make sure you train up the Tough / Strong / etc. Sun spells.
I'm doing Co-Op run with my friend and it's an average difficulty for us but we have went to Wintertusk before hand and it's also probably easier as you go with a friend. Hope this helped!