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Skeletal Dragon

Dec 26, 2009
Aug 12, 2009
i believe it attacks one person does 200 damage first attack then 800 over 3 rounds and its 8 pips

Apr 26, 2010
Haze922 wrote:
i believe it attacks one person does 200 damage first attack then 800 over 3 rounds and its 8 pips
that is 2600 damage total so time to pack my bags and go to death school!

Jun 25, 2008
Paditi wrote:
Haze922 wrote:
i believe it attacks one person does 200 damage first attack then 800 over 3 rounds and its 8 pips
that is 2600 damage total so time to pack my bags and go to death school!

No no, it does 200 to one target, and 810 TOTAL over three rounds, not 810 EACH round. So in total thats 1,010. Not counting blades, traps boosts criticals etc. Still an epic spell, but not that epic lol :-)

Feb 07, 2009
Haze922 wrote:
i believe it attacks one person does 200 damage first attack then 800 over 3 rounds and its 8 pips

In the actual round of casting it, it does 200 damage, and is a DPR, or DoT spell, so it inflicts more damage per round, for three rounds. In the first round of the DoT triggering, it does 270 damage. It does the same damage for 2 more rounds, making the overall damage 1,010. Not bad for 8 pips.

Lucas D. lvl 60 Death

Jun 17, 2008
fourmyant wrote:
Someone tell me what skeletal dragon does. I am a level 52 death and I want a sneak peak.
its awsome im a lvl 45 wizard wolf darkblade and my friend used it and it breathed death breath and it was awsome i am getting it soon but the best two lvl 58 spells are storm,myth

storm becuse it does mosty atack no defence that mutch but a strong atack

myth becuse it is medusa. if you stair at medusa eyes you will turn into stone well in movies, but on wizard 101 you stair in her eyes then you dont turn into stone but you do get the medusa card

Dec 19, 2009
fourmyant wrote:
Someone tell me what skeletal dragon does. I am a level 52 death and I want a sneak peak.

Hi, I'm Wizard Elizabeth SeaHaven. I'm level 59 Almost 60 at the moment. I have the skeleton dragon, I'm going to tell you how you have to get it. You have to defeat a death boss, with the health over 13,000 and a death minion too. The attack points for the skeleton dragon depends on how many and which kind of blades and traps you put on your opponent. And also you criticals and attack force. Also, the skeleton dragon only attacks on person. Once, when I casted it the attack was over 5,000. So, it really depends on what you use. I hope this helped some.. Good Luck! :D

Sep 02, 2009