Well, I finally reached Trial of the Spheres! I know how the bosses have interrupts and all, but what are their resistances and weaknesses? Being a Balance wizard, I am not sure if Judgement is safe, or if I will have to Spectral Blast my way through this dungeon. Thanks in advance!
Well, I finally reached Trial of the Spheres! I know how the bosses have interrupts and all, but what are their resistances and weaknesses? Being a Balance wizard, I am not sure if Judgement is safe, or if I will have to Spectral Blast my way through this dungeon. Thanks in advance!
Each of the three main bosses is different. In the first, I liked using a boosted Ra, in the second my balance usually supported with balanceblades, and in the third, I supported with elemental blades and traps. It will depend on who you are with of course. But using Judgement is okay.
so none of them will resist Balance, I'm assuming?
Two of them keep and maintain a 90% shield unless you figure out what conditions under which the boss will not replace it. The Bosses will resist all schools unless the correct conditions are met.