Hi. Im level 62 and I never crafted. Found out today Ive missed out on alot of great items. So I went back to the lady in Ravenwood to buy her recipe and start from the begining. Im not sure but she has nothing to sell, no question mark or anything. I cant figure out how to start crafting now without a starter recipe. I know I have the quest, but nothing to craft. I have no idea how to even begin. Also I see people refer to farming but have no idea what this even is. How does one even begin to craft when they have never done it before.
You may want to go through the other worlds to see if any of them have a quest for you. Her two quests are really easy and you may have done them but forgotten. Her quest is crafting two daggers of absolution. You can check your badges also to see where you are in crafting.
I did the crafting quest that starts in "the floating Land" and he never sent me on to the next crafting quest. How do I, or where is the next level crafting quest. My other player was just sent to the next quest and so on. But my new character is not being sent on and he took the two drums.
I did the crafting quest that starts in "the floating Land" and he never sent me on to the next crafting quest. How do I, or where is the next level crafting quest. My other player was just sent to the next quest and so on. But my new character is not being sent on and he took the two drums.
its in the next world zafria however its a bit strange you don't get it until you help the lion dude and get his goods back when you gotta talk to him when you got the grandmaster crafter badge then you are able to do it (its also a struggle)