Recently my level 75 Death crafted Deer Knight (would have crafted it at level 70 if it weren't for a lack of amber.
A lot of people swear by King Parsley plants, but I've found them to be pretty much useless for dropping amber. After several weeks of gardening and dozens of elder harvests, I got exactly ONE amber from them.
Instead I found a friend and went farming on the Gladiator Diamachaerus, a hidden boss inside the Mt. Olympus dungeon. I think I was getting an amber, turquoise or vine reagent about every 4th battle. Still took me a long time (like, 3 months of intermittent farming plus daily gardening), but in the end the Parsley plants were worthless compared to the Gladiator.
As a bonus, she won a Potent Trap treasure card and so was able to finish her Azteca crafting quest while still in Avalon.
Still rather new to the forums, but my Lvl 70 Life Wizard is trying very hard to craft the Goat Monk spell. Is there any "easy" way to obtain Amber?
I've got everything else but have only managed to secure 3 Amber and those were in my backpack before I got the Goat Monk recipe.
Steven Ghoststalker 70
No, its not easy to obtain, nor should it be imo. You have 2 basic options here, you can farm it from King Parsley, which is a pretty slow process, or you can farm it from Gladiator in Mount Olympus which is much faster.
Just wanted to add the the spell that drop in Mooshu are much easier to get than the ones that are only at Lore Master, so you may want to try that out first!
While I can't speak to the validity of gardening for Amber as I've never done it, I can't tell you it's not worth it. Obviously there are plenty here who tell you it is worth it. What I can say is you'll need to farm for those plants to get a good batch to start your garden.
In the process of farming for those plants however easy or hard they might be to get. You could be farming The Gladiator instead. That's how I got mine, and a good amount of it too. In the process of farming him you'll also have the potential to get any of the Exalted Amulets, the Alpha and Omega ring, Clear piercing jade +5% jewel, and a few other useful reagents you'll need along the way.
If you solo him bring a few balance dispels, several different feints and some cleanse charms to get off all the weakness he'll toss on you. If you have a balance amulet toss that on too. If you bring a friend(s) don't enter Mt. Olympus dungeon together. Go in alone and have him/her/them port to you when you get inside the Pit of the Noxii instead. Should be less minions for you to fight.
Good luck, happy hunting.
Edit: Gladiator Dimachaerus is the "secret Boss" in the bottom of Mount Olympus in Aquila. You do not need to do the Mount Olympus quest. You can run straight down to the Pit of Noxii.
Thank you for the help. Any clues on where the Gladiator can be located?
Steven Ghostalker 71
Go to Aquila Gardens, which is an area beneath the chariot in Cyclops Lane. (If you can't access this area yet, go to Cyrus Drake in the Myth school to pick up the quest.)
The Gladiator is a secret boss hidden inside the Mt. Olympus dungeon. It's the first dungeon you can see and access when you get to Aquila.
Once inside the dungeon, you can actually bypass the main dungeon and go directly down to the center of the amphitheater, where Eris Golden Apple will have her "chess pieces" waiting. Just ignore them and head straight to the back through the door at the back of the hall. Go through it and you'll find yourself in the pit of the Noxie, where the Gladiator is waiting.
He'll spam 75% weakness on the person he hates most, making this a very tough battle to solo. Bring a friend, hire a henchman to take the hits for you, or pack plenty of cleanse charm treasure cards.
With a friend, he's not that hard for level 70 or higher to beat. Honestly. With a good deck set-up, most battles take 15 minutes or less. I'm lazy as they come, so if *I* think he's easy then he must be.
Gladiator definitely drops it, yes you can garden it, but the yield is unreliable and it can literally take months to get enough for one spell
I have had no problems gaining what I needed from gardening. But I also garden on 12 wizards and have managed to accumulate more than enough to craft all of the spells. The Amber drops have ranged from 2 to 4 per harvest from 50 plants on each wizard.
Still rather new to the forums, but my Lvl 70 Life Wizard is trying very hard to craft the Goat Monk spell. Is there any "easy" way to obtain Amber?
I've got everything else but have only managed to secure 3 Amber and those were in my backpack before I got the Goat Monk recipe.
Steven Ghoststalker 70
Hi I'd try ultra white tiger plants I've had very good amber drops from them I know they are hard to get but the drop rate is pretty good from my experience good luck
Gladiator definitely drops it, yes you can garden it, but the yield is unreliable and it can literally take months to get enough for one spell
I got all my Amber in a single month I used gardening, farming ( Snowbeard in Polaris ) and even transmuted one Amber. 1. Farming wasn't reliable, I received maybe 2 amber. 2. Transmutation was a difficult as the spell recipe. It wasn't worth thee time. 3. Gardening was more reliable than either methods IF you plant a lot of different types of plants known to give amber at one time - large garden = higher yield.
I got all my Amber in a single month I used gardening, farming ( Snowbeard in Polaris ) and even transmuted one Amber. 1. Farming wasn't reliable, I received maybe 2 amber. 2. Transmutation was a difficult as the spell recipe. It wasn't worth thee time. 3. Gardening was more reliable than either methods IF you plant a lot of different types of plants known to give amber at one time - large garden = higher yield.
I have 999 amber in my backpack, so yes I garden, but if you plant a 67 plot, you will get maybe 3-4 in a week and a half, if you want the spell now, I would highly recommend just farming the amber, most people do not want to wait to accumulate it over time!
Wondering how many KP gardens you had to do this in a month honestly :)
Unfortunately, the OP won't be able to access Cronus until he's level 90 or higher. (Trust me, Fallon tried Cronus first, but wasn't allowed to port in! )
Thank you everyone for the hints on where the Gladiator can be found.
I do understand that Amber is rare and should be "hard" to get but 1 on a month of play time is a tad ridiculous. I've looked over the Transmute Amber spell in the wiki and that looks to be even more obnoxious than actually getting Amber itself.
My current garden is as big as I can fit inside the 15 energy-spell circles. I have about four King Parsley and Three Deadly Ninja Fig (all the seeds I had for those plants).
I do have a Sugar Crystal Seed but do not have a potent enough pest spell to raise that plant.
Where is the best place to get the other plant seeds that drop Amber? And where/when can I find the higher level pest control spells?
I have 999 amber in my backpack, so yes I garden, but if you plant a 67 plot, you will get maybe 3-4 in a week and a half, if you want the spell now, I would highly recommend just farming the amber, most people do not want to wait to accumulate it over time!
Wondering how many KP gardens you had to do this in a month honestly :)
Thank you everyone for the hints on where the Gladiator can be found.
I do understand that Amber is rare and should be "hard" to get but 1 on a month of play time is a tad ridiculous. I've looked over the Transmute Amber spell in the wiki and that looks to be even more obnoxious than actually getting Amber itself.
My current garden is as big as I can fit inside the 15 energy-spell circles. I have about four King Parsley and Three Deadly Ninja Fig (all the seeds I had for those plants).
I do have a Sugar Crystal Seed but do not have a potent enough pest spell to raise that plant.
Where is the best place to get the other plant seeds that drop Amber? And where/when can I find the higher level pest control spells?
Steven Ghoststalker 72
There's too much info to condense into one post with a limit of 2000 characters.
Here's a link to the reagent amber. You can look up the sources that drop it individually and decide where to go hunting for those plants or locations.
Considering how hard it is to get amber dust & Merle's whiskers, the "transmute amber" recipe is a cruel joke....
Thank you everyone for the hints on where the Gladiator can be found.
I do understand that Amber is rare and should be "hard" to get but 1 on a month of play time is a tad ridiculous. I've looked over the Transmute Amber spell in the wiki and that looks to be even more obnoxious than actually getting Amber itself.
My current garden is as big as I can fit inside the 15 energy-spell circles. I have about four King Parsley and Three Deadly Ninja Fig (all the seeds I had for those plants).
I do have a Sugar Crystal Seed but do not have a potent enough pest spell to raise that plant.
Where is the best place to get the other plant seeds that drop Amber? And where/when can I find the higher level pest control spells?
Steven Ghoststalker 72
You can find one of the Mole gardeners in Khrysalis, you have to have a gardening level of 13 to access him. Try finding high level pest spells in the Bazaar - Itsy Bitsy Spider is very good. Or gather up 75,000 ( or is it 100,000 gold? ) for the Pixie spell; this keeps away pest for about 48 hrs. You can find this spell from the Mole in Krokotopia.