I sold the ones you get from the Cenote, not knowing we needed one for the crafting quest, and I don’t want to farm the Azteca bosses for a chance to get the TC.
If you're over level 90 but not yet very far along in Azteca, farm Cronus. Soloing him is difficult, I'd suggest going with at least one other person.
If you are under level 90 and not yet very far along in Azteca, try farming the Gladiator, a boss hidden inside of Mt. Olympus dungeon in Aquila. He is more difficult than Cronus, you will need to go with friends.
Regardless of level, if you are nearly finished with Azteca, farm Malakeen Moondrinker. He's located in the Zocalo (making it easy to step outside for health and mana). He's Myth with Death mastery, but no cheats and only one mob if you solo. Usually he'll drop the Potent Trap within 3-5 battles. This boss is easiest to solo.
Plant ultra alligator pear tree seeds. Only the ultra seeds as the regular seed won't give you a potent trap.
Planting Alligator Pear Trees will help get the Ultra Alligator Pear Trees needed for the potent trap drop, but it's correct that it's only dropped from the UAPT.
Another way is PvP tournaments - potent trap is quite a common prize.
They drop from quite a few places so it's possible to get one just from continuing to quest.