Hello fellow wizheads! So I’ve been searching far and wide for these Witches House Call TreasureCards with my only luck being, 1 from questing. By the way I plan on only crafting the Athame and Amulet as I already have Dragoon boots/Spooky suit/Mali Hat/Duelists Ring. Do y’all have any suggestions to where I should farm? Or would I just have more luck grinding vanguard to dragoon on both pieces? Anyway any help is appreciated!
The Treasure cards seem to be the rare item they are using to intentionally limit the amount of pieces anybody would attempt to craft. looking for just one treasure card is a monumental task all by itself much less looking for 3 per recipe. They either need to dramatically increase the drop rate for the treasure cards to keep up with the karamelle chunks or reduce the quantity needed to some more realistic number that is obtainable. It's hard to imagine a whole team of hundreds of programmers brainstorming these ideas never realizing how hard it becomes to chase down the end result of those ridiculous ideas. And they do this for profit while zapping the fun out of one of the more interesting games to date.
Hello fellow wizheads! So I’ve been searching far and wide for these Witches House Call TreasureCards with my only luck being, 1 from questing. By the way I plan on only crafting the Athame and Amulet as I already have Dragoon boots/Spooky suit/Mali Hat/Duelists Ring. Do y’all have any suggestions to where I should farm? Or would I just have more luck grinding vanguard to dragoon on both pieces? Anyway any help is appreciated!
Thanks, Jacob SeaWalker (140 )
And they wonder why we hoard TC?
To answer your question, I'm not sure. I would look it up on the wiki to see where it drops. I think you'll have better luck gardening for it if that's an option.