Hello! I'm currently gathering the materials required to craft Loremaster and Savage Paw, however I figured I would start by asking if anyone would be kind enough to assist me by passing on some of the TC's required to do so? Would appreciate it!
I can provide the Loremaster TC's you will need. The Savage Paw ones are generally pretty easy to get by "farming" the bazaar. It might take a day or so, but you should be able to get them. The Loremaster TC are harder. I can easily craft them though, so I will give you as many as you need (7 I believe). Just post the following info:
The time and date you want to meet. I am on West Coast, so Pacific Time. Today or tomorrow is best. I may not be available after tomorrow for a couple of days.
The district you want to meet in.
The location. I suggest Bartleby's house - by the front gate.
Let me know the above, and I will see you there. With any luck I might also have savage paw cards as well.
A quick note. I can be at the following location today to give you the savage paw and loremaster tc:
District: Seraph Location: by front gate of Merle Ambrose house in the commons Time: today, Monday, Nov. 11, 2018 at 5 PM Pacific Coast time. Look for: Destiny Daisysteed. I will be the one in the Green and Red Christmas looking outfit. You can't miss me.
Hello! I'm currently gathering the materials required to craft Loremaster and Savage Paw, however I figured I would start by asking if anyone would be kind enough to assist me by passing on some of the TC's required to do so? Would appreciate it!
I can give you the Loremaster TC for your spell
My availability is pretty flexible. Just reply with your wizard name and what time you're usually available (please include time zone) and I'll pick a time when you're usually on to try to catch you each day.
If you want, I can provide my true friend code to one of you so we can trade more effectively.
Unfortunately we can't share true friend codes on here. I only found out why after I included one on a post and it was moderated out! People using menu chat are able to use text chat with true friends because they're known to them irl. It's a good system, allowing protection from strangers while allowing chat with real friends and family
I'm keeping an eye on here so if you'd like to let us know your wizard name and availability (include time zone) we'll get back to you
Unfortunately we can't share true friend codes on here. I only found out why after I included one on a post and it was moderated out! People using menu chat are able to use text chat with true friends because they're known to them irl. It's a good system, allowing protection from strangers while allowing chat with real friends and family
I'm keeping an eye on here so if you'd like to let us know your wizard name and availability (include time zone) we'll get back to you
Oh, makes sense. Thank you, alright.. Let's meet this monday, on server Banshee at 2PM EST (Eastern Standard Time) In the Wizard City Bazaar. Let me know if that works.
Unfortunately we can't share true friend codes on here. I only found out why after I included one on a post and it was moderated out! People using menu chat are able to use text chat with true friends because they're known to them irl. It's a good system, allowing protection from strangers while allowing chat with real friends and family
I'm keeping an eye on here so if you'd like to let us know your wizard name and availability (include time zone) we'll get back to you
These posts are public so I need to know your wizard name so I know who to look out for and make sure I give the cards to you and not someone else by mistake
This forum is also fully moderated so posts are not displayed in real time. We need to allow enough time for moderation, which can take a wee while when they're busy, and also for the other person to see it and arrange to be available
It's best to choose a middle-end realm because they don't fill up or have multiple areas and give various windows of time through the week so we can find a time that fits both time zones
Charms are in real time so we can use them to show we've seen a post without waiting for moderation. If I check the post and you have clicked the charm then I know you've seen it
Let's say 2pm Eastern time in Dworgyn Realm Bazaar - after you charm this post I'll go each day I'm on at that time until we catch each other. I'll be looking for Antonio Firewalker unless you say otherwise...don't charm it if the name is wrong, just post to let me know and I'll charm your post when I see it so you know I've seen it and am coming.
I'll be on Fiona Frogfinder...if she's not there I'm not online that day so just pop back the next day until we're both on at the same time (it usually works first time but can take a couple of tries if either of us is not available that time and day).
Just saw your charm, will not be on tomorrow (thurs) at that time but will be there Friday and onwards until we catch each other. Hopefully this will show in time for you to know I can't make it tomorrow! See you this weekend :)