I wish there was a way that you could craft things at random-using all random ingredients-not using recipes
Is there a way students could craft unique and special items for their wizard?
Like taking an acorn, a storm shark treasure card, and a mist wood then have it transform into
"Wizard's last name" 's Dagger of the Rogue Wave(or other things depending on their school)!
I think that would put a whole new spin on the crafting thing and students would be having fun just combining different things just to see what they come up with. Not to mention they could sell the item at auction for a great deal of gold since each item would have their specific name and school in the title of the object.
And students could get items that their friends came up with for use or souvenirs of their fun playing together. (if they want to pay "that much in gold" at auction)
each new random item would have it's title in like orange letters-to specify that it was a "crafted" item.
for example: Angela Angel-Eyes purchases " Green-Glen's Sombrero of the Regenerating Garden".