The game tells us that our best equipment items would be obtainable through crafting, and yet there isn't one craftable equipment item that is as good as boss equipments. So we spend a lot of time and effort to be able to craft and the reward is that there isn't anything worth crafting at least in terms of equipment. If Wizard101 wants players to get their best equipment from boss drops, then I don't see why the bosses can't drop regents and recipes for the best equipments in the game, then we would have a use for our master crafter skills we worked so very hard to obtain. I'd sure rather be farming for regents from bosses than searching for black lotus flowers where I haven't any reason for playing the game. If we had to farm bosses for recipes and regents to make the equipment we want, then we would have a reason to play with our friends in going after the bosses for some time. As it is now, we level up and get our boss grand equipments and then have no reason to play anymore and our high level friends dissappear. Why can't we continually improve our equipment through continual recipe refinements.
I find that I don't craft equipment once I am done with the quests, but I do use the crafting skills to enhance my homes. To me there is a derth of dropped items I really want in my home, so...I make what I want.
This complaint has been around since Crafting came to the Test Realm. Unless there were a major update to Crafting, we are stuck with it as it is. So, get your wizards rides to higher worlds so that they can craft the gear while it is worthwhile to use. That's what I did. Then make the next set, and sell the lower set for lots of gold at the Bazaar. It's also a good way to find a style you like that you can stitch the "good" gear onto so that you can look good and still have good stats.