I am a Level 41 who is in 'The Tower Archives' in DragonSpyre, is this a way too early level to be starting there? I have done almost all the side quests in MooShu, and I am halfway to Level 42. Is my level O.K?
Hi, my life wizard who got to ds at level 39. I would suggest being level 40 to be able to pick up side quests, but I got through ds fine. Leesha Spiritdreamer, Grandmaster Theurgist
Well, it does seem that you have skipped some side quests along the way... You can be up to level 45 just starting out in DragonSpyre, if you have done every side quest along the way...
Does this mean you are there too early? Depends! Are you having problems or dying a lot? If you can handle the battles, then I would say no, you are ok, if you are having troubles, then I would suggest going and doing all the side quests and leveling up.
i dont think that you got there to early. i got there at lvl 38
Justin HexBlood Lvl. 41 balance :)
WOAH! Yeah, I'm all right, I'm a Level 44 in The Grand Chasm, and like 3 more bars left till 45, yep, I guess I'm good! :) Of course, I will continue side-questing!
Your near the level, the average level for tower archives is lvl 42 to lvl 44 However, someone said the max you can be is lvl 45, NOT TRUE, my brother is lvl 53 and still in mooshu. (crazy, i know) Although his 'noob account' is lvl 52, and is at district of the stars.
Not too early. I got there at level 44. It would have been sooner if I had skipped Grizzleheim (glad I didn't!). Though I did skip every Marleybone side quest. Finished the place and came out level 54. Then went to Celestia and finished the game so I created another account.
Taylor LifeWhisper Legendary Sorcerer (Secondary: Death) "Waterworks Warrior"
P.S. Try and catch my current playing account, Amber LifeWhisper, around the Spiral. Good luck and I'll friend you if you can! Just tell me about Wizard101 Posts and I'll know.
Amber LifeWhisper Master Sorcerer (Secondary: Storm) "Savior of the Spiral"
i got in at level 38. low level. if you can defeat cyrus on the first or second try your in good shape. its skill and stradegy that matters not level. im level 39 in tower archives. if in doubt get some practice with street battles.
I don't think you're too far off, just to ensure MORE victories, I suggest finding some side quests that you might have missed....I got to DS at level 43, but the only reason I made it through Mooshu was because I teleported to a level 60 friend and he was doing a dungeon and he needed help! It gave me 17, 230 in XP! That pretty much made me skip half of my side quests...
I am a Level 41 who is in 'The Tower Archives' in DragonSpyre, is this a way too early level to be starting there? I have done almost all the side quests in MooShu, and I am halfway to Level 42. Is my level O.K?
-Mason D. -Level 41 Necromancer-
It's ok, but it would be better to wait till you have you're level 42 spell. That spell, whichever school, helps alot. -The Silverblades
I am a Level 41 who is in 'The Tower Archives' in DragonSpyre, is this a way too early level to be starting there? I have done almost all the side quests in MooShu, and I am halfway to Level 42. Is my level O.K?
-Mason D. -Level 41 Necromancer-
This is fine , but you might want to consider the mossback ect. quests since your death and that gave me some exp. (btw life has to do this for their lvl 48 spell) and i was about the same lvl when i went into ds and came out as a lvl50 so dont worry the quests (and some side quests) will make you lvl quick.
I am a Level 41 who is in 'The Tower Archives' in DragonSpyre, is this a way too early level to be starting there? I have done almost all the side quests in MooShu, and I am halfway to Level 42. Is my level O.K?
-Mason D. -Level 41 Necromancer-
I was an even lower level I was level 39 when I got to dragonspyre
i dont think that you got there to early. i got there at lvl 38
Justin HexBlood Lvl. 41 balance :)
WOAH! Yeah, I'm all right, I'm a Level 44 in The Grand Chasm, and like 3 more bars left till 45, yep, I guess I'm good! :) Of course, I will continue side-questing!
If you are getting defeated a lot then you may want to level up by doing side quests, or some Grizzleheim. If you are doing fine, then just keep going. If I were you, though, I'd level up one more time to get my level 42 spell, but that's just me.
I am a Level 41 who is in 'The Tower Archives' in DragonSpyre, is this a way too early level to be starting there? I have done almost all the side quests in MooShu, and I am halfway to Level 42. Is my level O.K?
-Mason D. -Level 41 Necromancer-
You got there at a good but not great level I got there at level 46
Hm, I guess it is okay, but I got to Dragonspyre at level 44 and immediately leveled up to level 45 and got all my new clothes. I would wait till I got my 42 card though because it might be difficult to fight them and you might get defeated a lot. You probably skipped some side quests somewhere without noticing or didn't do any of Grizzleheim. If I was you though, I'd start Grizzleheim now.
It's good, I'm in mooshu as a level 45 ( ) but i did most of grizzleheim and near completed marley bone [i didnt do the ken dude's lab, to hard for meh ] but i dont agree with these people that say wait for your 42 spell because i'm a life wizard, my 42 spell doesnt do much compared to just healing with my dryad with the three pips, I think aslong as you're like me (do most things alone aka, work hard hard with stratidgies instead of power) which is tougher than power. Over all, no, your level is fine if oyu can do a hard dungeon alone and come out with atleast 25% of your health.
William Fist, Level 45 [almost 46 ] Master Life, guy dude [its ther- something ]