I'm new to using this website so I'm not sure if I'm in the right thread.
Anyways, I didn't start doing side quests until Dragonspyre, and I'm level 39 (I just started). Am I underleveled? I recently met someone who is speeding through the game and he's halfway through Dragonspyre at level 41. He said side quests don't matter. But I want to be max level at the end of the game.
Do side quests affect what level you land at the end of the game, or can I just do main quests? Will doing side quests from Dragonspyre and onto the next worlds make it easier or difficult for me? I'm also a life wizard, if that helps (it's been a bit of a pain without an early AoE) All information is welcome. Thank you!!! :)
You took the right step in visiting here in seeking sound advice on your query.
Now, let me expel the myth about Side Quest; Fact is, they do matter.
Here's why:
Some such as the ones done in Grizzleheim for example can lead to key school spells not taught by your school professor.
Some are chain side quest(s), meaning, they must be done to unlock further quest (often times in other worlds) again leading to key spells and school pets.
Rewards valuable experience and gold.
Now, while doing Side Quests isn't necessary to be at max level by the game's end, it's recommend you do them. As you can see (as highlighted above), they are important.
I would not want to see you here on the boards asking questions such as: "Why can't I learn X Spell?" Or "Why haven't I gotten X Pet as yet?"
Questions like these are often asked because one decided to "skip a few side quests."
They will absolutely make worlds ahead much more easier! Not to mention the valuable lessons you may learn doing these quests.
So, again, I implore you to do them, especially if this is your first run through the game.
I'm new to using this website so I'm not sure if I'm in the right thread.
Anyways, I didn't start doing side quests until Dragonspyre, and I'm level 39 (I just started). Am I underleveled? I recently met someone who is speeding through the game and he's halfway through Dragonspyre at level 41. He said side quests don't matter. But I want to be max level at the end of the game.
Do side quests affect what level you land at the end of the game, or can I just do main quests? Will doing side quests from Dragonspyre and onto the next worlds make it easier or difficult for me? I'm also a life wizard, if that helps (it's been a bit of a pain without an early AoE) All information is welcome. Thank you!!! :)
Hi! Welcome to the forum!
My first wizard was life school too, it's a great school but a real pain that we don't get our multi-hit until level 58 (and it's 8 pips!).
You can skip all side quests, only following the main ones, and still reach max level. KI have carefully balanced the XP so that mains are sufficient but doing side quests can allow us to be a little higher level when facing tough battles. By the end of the game you will have reached the level cap whatever route you go
Even though we can technically reach max level and 'complete' our journey with just main quests there are a few things I also do: Spell Quests Training Point Quests Pet Quests Crafting Quests Gardening Quests Fishing Quests
Players have mixed views of doing these, so please keep in mind this is just what I do and read it as 'could' rather than 'should'...the decision is yours
Spell quests are really important imo, they don't just give you a spell reward but they can also inhibit future spell quests. Many are pre-requisit for future ones so even if the spell from the quest is not hugely important to you if you don't get it you will not get subsequent quests that could be really useful. It's also a big pain when a team strategy relies on a wizard having a particular spell and it turns out they skipped it.
Grizzleheim and Wysteria are both considered 'side-worlds' but imo Grizzleheim/Wintertusk have essential content. You will get spells, training points, pet and a ton of XP. It's a beautiful world and Wintertusk XP is crazy good! It also has op gold farming locations (Halfang and Asrik), access to crafted gear (I like the energy boosts) and fishing locations. I usually do Grizzleheim between Dragonspyre and Celestia but doing it before Dragonspyre works too and as you're level 39 you shouldn't have any problem hitting the level 40 milestone to enter Ravenscar and go on to complete Wintertusk
As it's your first wizard you might enjoy Wysteria and it's worth a visit imo...I do it on all wizards because I love it, but many people skip it because it is not essential content.
Pet quests - skippable but I can't skip cute pet rewards haha...skipping it also inhibits future pet quests. They're not essential though as far as I'm aware
Training point quests - you can easily get by with just a few training points and are unlikely to need all of them. Make sure you have enough though. I do them all because it's easier to do them as I quest than going back to collect things from all over the place when I want to train something.
Crafting, fishing and gardening quests - a lot of players choose to split these between their wizards and talk of their gardening wizard or crafting wizard etc. I do them on all wizards (surprise surprise lol) and recommend your first wizard has a shot at all 3...the least important is fishing, which is required for very few things (some recipes). I definitely recommend doing crafting on every wizard because of the ability to craft spells - this must be done on the wizard who is to learn the spell. There are also some recipes that are school specific, but mainly it is the SPELLS!!!!
Gardening on all wizards is useful but only necessary if you want to have more plants than one wizard can manage on their energy / in their houses etc. As I said though, I think first wizards should give it a shot so it is an option if they need anything from gardening
Fishing is almost completely optional. I think it's worth trying out but that's because I enjoy it. It's needed for a few non-essential recipes but you can come back to it at any stage so it can easily be skipped.
If I was at the stage you've described I'd check I'd done the sides described above and see what level I was on for resuming Dragonspyre. If I was struggling with Dragonspyre I'd go and do some (or all) of Grizzleheim/Wintertusk. If battles start to feel too difficult we can look at our gear and see if we can boost it or look for side quests that give lots of XP and do them to level up a bit.
My first wizard was life school too, it's a great school but a real pain that we don't get our multi-hit until level 58 (and it's 8 pips!).
You can skip all side quests, only following the main ones, and still reach max level. KI have carefully balanced the XP so that mains are sufficient but doing side quests can allow us to be a little higher level when facing tough battles. By the end of the game you will have reached the level cap whatever route you go
Even though we can technically reach max level and 'complete' our journey with just main quests there are a few things I also do: Spell Quests Training Point Quests Pet Quests Crafting Quests Gardening Quests Fishing Quests
Players have mixed views of doing these, so please keep in mind this is just what I do and read it as 'could' rather than 'should'...the decision is yours
Spell quests are really important imo, they don't just give you a spell reward but they can also inhibit future spell quests. Many are pre-requisit for future ones so even if the spell from the quest is not hugely important to you if you don't get it you will not get subsequent quests that could be really useful. It's also a big pain when a team strategy relies on a wizard having a particular spell and it turns out they skipped it.
Grizzleheim and Wysteria are both considered 'side-worlds' but imo Grizzleheim/Wintertusk have essential content. You will get spells, training points, pet and a ton of XP. It's a beautiful world and Wintertusk XP is crazy good! It also has op gold farming locations (Halfang and Asrik), access to crafted gear (I like the energy boosts) and fishing locations. I usually do Grizzleheim between Dragonspyre and Celestia but doing it before Dragonspyre works too and as you're level 39 you shouldn't have any problem hitting the level 40 milestone to enter Ravenscar and go on to complete Wintertusk
As it's your first wizard you might enjoy Wysteria and it's worth a visit imo...I do it on all wizards because I love it, but many people skip it because it is not essential content.
Pet quests - skippable but I can't skip cute pet rewards haha...skipping it also inhibits future pet quests. They're not essential though as far as I'm aware
Training point quests - you can easily get by with just a few training points and are unlikely to need all of them. Make sure you have enough though. I do them all because it's easier to do them as I quest than going back to collect things from all over the place when I want to train something.
Crafting, fishing and gardening quests - a lot of players choose to split these between their wizards and talk of their gardening wizard or crafting wizard etc. I do them on all wizards (surprise surprise lol) and recommend your first wizard has a shot at all 3...the least important is fishing, which is required for very few things (some recipes). I definitely recommend doing crafting on every wizard because of the ability to craft spells - this must be done on the wizard who is to learn the spell. There are also some recipes that are school specific, but mainly it is the SPELLS!!!!
Gardening on all wizards is useful but only necessary if you want to have more plants than one wizard can manage on their energy / in their houses etc. As I said though, I think first wizards should give it a shot so it is an option if they need anything from gardening
Fishing is almost completely optional. I think it's worth trying out but that's because I enjoy it. It's needed for a few non-essential recipes but you can come back to it at any stage so it can easily be skipped.
If I was at the stage you've described I'd check I'd done the sides described above and see what level I was on for resuming Dragonspyre. If I was struggling with Dragonspyre I'd go and do some (or all) of Grizzleheim/Wintertusk. If battles start to feel too difficult we can look at our gear and see if we can boost it or look for side quests that give lots of XP and do them to level up a bit.
I hope this helps!
Thank you very much for all of this really helpful information!!
I'm currently level 44 now and doing sides in DS, although I am struggling a little as far as solo fights from the main quests (Like Pyromancers Tomb). I've had a person or two accompany me from time to time, which makes it go by soooo much faster. But they are all going at different rates. Some are higher now in level and more progressed in the game than me, and vice versa .
I'm definitely thinking about going to Grizzleheim and doing some quests there to hopefully finish or come close to finishing it before I continue DS. I feel like that would definitely boost my level , from what you've told me, and continue from there .
I haven't really explored crafting or gardening yet. I've glanced at the quests but got occupied by other things, such as training my pet. It's the Peppy Porpoise one. I was asking a friend about training and so far I've gotten 3% life damage (life bringer) and May Cast Sword and Shield spell from it. There's also a chance of Pain Bringer too.
Overall though it sounds like completing Grizzleheim and that other world you mentioned will make my journey waaaay easier even if I don't need to . I personally don't like skipping over sides but at the same time makes it less to do. It really just depends on preference I guess!!
Well I'm excited to get the training points, pet, etc that all come with that world's adventure. Thank you for being so kind and informative!!
You took the right step in visiting here in seeking sound advice on your query.
Now, let me expel the myth about Side Quest; Fact is, they do matter.
Here's why:
Some such as the ones done in Grizzleheim for example can lead to key school spells not taught by your school professor.
Some are chain side quest(s), meaning, they must be done to unlock further quest (often times in other worlds) again leading to key spells and school pets.
Rewards valuable experience and gold.
Now, while doing Side Quests isn't necessary to be at max level by the game's end, it's recommend you do them. As you can see (as highlighted above), they are important.
I would not want to see you here on the boards asking questions such as: "Why can't I learn X Spell?" Or "Why haven't I gotten X Pet as yet?"
Questions like these are often asked because one decided to "skip a few side quests."
They will absolutely make worlds ahead much more easier! Not to mention the valuable lessons you may learn doing these quests.
So, again, I implore you to do them, especially if this is your first run through the game.
Post if you've anymore queries.
Good Luck!
Thank you for being so kind and informative with my questions.
By what you've previously told me I decided I'm going to stop what I'm doing in DS, for now, because soloing dungeons have become hard and there are MANY of them here. And go and quest in Grizzleheim since I am now level 44. It sounds really helpful and fun.
Thank you very much for all of this really helpful information!!
I'm currently level 44 now and doing sides in DS, although I am struggling a little as far as solo fights from the main quests (Like Pyromancers Tomb). I've had a person or two accompany me from time to time, which makes it go by soooo much faster. But they are all going at different rates. Some are higher now in level and more progressed in the game than me, and vice versa .
I'm definitely thinking about going to Grizzleheim and doing some quests there to hopefully finish or come close to finishing it before I continue DS. I feel like that would definitely boost my level , from what you've told me, and continue from there .
I haven't really explored crafting or gardening yet. I've glanced at the quests but got occupied by other things, such as training my pet. It's the Peppy Porpoise one. I was asking a friend about training and so far I've gotten 3% life damage (life bringer) and May Cast Sword and Shield spell from it. There's also a chance of Pain Bringer too.
Overall though it sounds like completing Grizzleheim and that other world you mentioned will make my journey waaaay easier even if I don't need to . I personally don't like skipping over sides but at the same time makes it less to do. It really just depends on preference I guess!!
Well I'm excited to get the training points, pet, etc that all come with that world's adventure. Thank you for being so kind and informative!!
Yay! I'm glad my post was helpful!
If you'd like help with making a really good pet I am happy to help you. I have some lovely life pets - damages, damage+resist, healing (maycast heals), healer (outgoing heal boosts, resists and maycast cycle of life) and ward pets (lots of resist). I'm guessing a damage+resist combo would work well for you. I'm happy to share my pets and walk you through the steps to make it awesome the easiest and most efficient way
If you have someone helping you already that's cool, but if you'd like some help just let me know on here