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'Till Wizard Voices Wake Us

Dec 01, 2010
I got disconnected during this quest and can't get back into the Dying Jungle to talk to Beans. The portal is gone, and I can't teleport into the area from a friend. This must be a glitch, but I'm not allowed back in the area. Is there any other way to get in? Help please, I want to continue questing.

Dec 09, 2008
RizzleRosie on Dec 14, 2018 wrote:
I got disconnected during this quest and can't get back into the Dying Jungle to talk to Beans. The portal is gone, and I can't teleport into the area from a friend. This must be a glitch, but I'm not allowed back in the area. Is there any other way to get in? Help please, I want to continue questing.
Hi RizzleRosie! Please try restarting the game, that usually resolves these types of issues.