the beastmoon event is a great idea on paper, but poorly excuted. if the enemy team uses a certain combo of monsters, you die instantly in the first turn because they have their beasts leveled up. by adding the abilitiy to level up these beasts and seemingly no way to pair people with beasts of similar upgrade levels, you can get demolished by someone with a much higher level beast. for example, my last run first turn a death rat put a 200 aoe trap on my team, and the storm elf does shark, instantly killed the myth minotaur on my team.
That's the whole idea is to use the correct combo to win! It's been like that since the beginning. You have to use your knowledge of forms to your advantage.
For example, those nasty death rats do have a huge trap as you described, however they do have only 300 health. So if your team does 300 damage (one person do a 200 hit and another person do 100 hit) you can hopefully kill the rat before he gets his trap out.) The Myth Rat is also usually a target because he has a 4 pip AOE that does 250 damage to each player. So it's good to take him out if he's getting close to 4 pips.
If you don't want to be one shot as easily pick a form with more health. Most schools have a 200 2pip spell. So if you have more than 400 health you tend not to be the first person to die.
If you do play a little form then try and go first. So that you can get a spell off before you die. Fire Collusus, Myth Dragon, Myth Rat all can remove traps from your team (among likely others).
630+ wins in, and I've personally found beastmoon to be very balanced. I'm assuming you meant to say lightning instead of shark since storm elf has no shark spells. In that case, neither of those spells are from leveling up forms. While the situation you describe seems unbeatable, you're leaving out three important aspects of the balance. One is picking the right fights, as this strategy would fall apart if say a myth rat was in first, and could swap out the trap placed on them. Another is turn order. Who was first on your team? did they have pips? could they have shielded? Could you have coordinated your attacks and killed storm elf? The last is deck rng. It's far from a guarantee that death rat can draw their trap, and without it they're a pretty bad form. Add on to that the chance of myth minotaur drawing a shield (assuming they were first), and you can see how this strategy isnt too replicate able. Sometimes you get put in unwinnable situations, that's part of the game, but you can control how often this happens by picking the right fights, and paying attention to all variables.
For many Beastforms, you don't need to be leveled up to defeat a certain enemy in one turn. A large number of Beastforms can do 200 damage for 2 pips, and it is a smart play to focus down and defeat a lower-health enemy before they can pose a threat. ESPECIALLY Rats and Elves. If you don't want this to happen to you, then you need to be closer to the first spot in battle so you can get a chance to play a card. Or play a character with higher health.
As for the particular example you gave towards the end of the post, their team got lucky with that. The Death Rat is good at one thing and only one thing, and that's the AoE trap. None of its other cards are particularly good unless you pair it up with the AoE trap. If you do not draw this card as Death Rat, then you tend to get defeated very quickly with no contributions to your team. I don't know what you meant by the Storm Elf's "shark card" since they don't have one, but their Bluster Blast (Insane Bolt animation) is the only card they could have used to one-turn-kill a Myth Minotaur with the Death Rat's trap card. Both of these cards can be used at Level 1.
Beastmoon isn't unbalanced. The storm elf doesn't have a shark hit, and the death rat aoe trap is at level one, so all they did was get lucky with their pulls. I'm still not sure whether you mean a storm elf 250 (insane bolt) hit or a different form, but the storm elf 250 hit is also at level one. Although some spells may have more power than others, this adds to the essential school identity of each form. As someone who plays beastmoon regularly every event, I have been killed turn one as a tier 5 form many times. There is more strategy in the event than you may think of at face value. For example, I would recommend using a life draconian if you use a form with 400 or less health because experienced players tend to focus a healing form rather than the hitter. If you need additional tips, I would be happy to help.
its quite absurd that you can die in the first turn right off the bat, not even ranked pvp has you die turn one 90% of the time. its annoying and ruins the experience for me.