Good morning, afternoon, evening, or midday to you and I hope you are keeping safe during the Holidays of this year and towards a better one. I would like to take this time to discuss the Craftable Gold Idol Rotation for the Beastmoon Mayhem Events. In time of writing this, the Ice Wolf Warrior and Fire Ninja Pig GIs have been released for two mayhem events in a row and the Storm Rat Thief GI has been released for three mayhem events in a row.
I would like to inquire as to how Beastmoon Mayhem's GI rotation works, given how most forms are being released back-to-back-to-back given whether elemental or spiritual Mayhem corresponds with the time. This is by no means an attempt to ask you to possible change the Craftable GI rotation but it's an attempted suggestion as to possibly allow the rotation to become more 'free form' as it were. Please respond to this at the earliest convenience. Thank you and have a blessed rest of your day, night, morning, or afternoon as well as a Happy New Year!