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Beastmoon Mayhem stream lining it a bit

Oct 27, 2009
Hi gamers and developers.

I noticed something this event of mayhem.

So at the top where the timer sits, the box on each side serve no purpose. They are always blank.

This is why i think they should be taken out and replaced.

1. All through mayhem matches sometimes there is someone asking what wave we are fighting.
2. Then next constant thing is the Question, did we get time? The display if only there for a short
time and because the group if focused on fighting, no one knows and so it's members wasting time
just circling the map when someone already got the time.

This is my suggestion to change the timer graphic a bit.

Wave I Wave II Wave III
(Timer would now show in center below the 3 titles)
-I thought it could be better if the text "Wave I" could be a new icon of a wave.
this is the closest and that would save space at the top.

So if we have not won wave 1 then the spiral symbol will not show up, or will just be
black text. When win win that wave its wave icon would maybe change to red or glow or something.
Now the gem would be like clear or white until time is found then will turn another color or flash, glow
or just anything clear then, OK we either don't have it or we do.

So, there you have it I think players would like the change the be a clear HUD (Heads up display).

Dec 09, 2008
AtomGrounder on May 25, 2021 wrote:
Hi gamers and developers.

I noticed something this event of mayhem.

So at the top where the timer sits, the box on each side serve no purpose. They are always blank.

This is why i think they should be taken out and replaced.

1. All through mayhem matches sometimes there is someone asking what wave we are fighting.
2. Then next constant thing is the Question, did we get time? The display if only there for a short
time and because the group if focused on fighting, no one knows and so it's members wasting time
just circling the map when someone already got the time.

This is my suggestion to change the timer graphic a bit.

Wave I Wave II Wave III
(Timer would now show in center below the 3 titles)
-I thought it could be better if the text "Wave I" could be a new icon of a wave.
this is the closest and that would save space at the top.

So if we have not won wave 1 then the spiral symbol will not show up, or will just be
black text. When win win that wave its wave icon would maybe change to red or glow or something.
Now the gem would be like clear or white until time is found then will turn another color or flash, glow
or just anything clear then, OK we either don't have it or we do.

So, there you have it I think players would like the change the be a clear HUD (Heads up display).
An interesting suggestion AtomGrounder, thanks! I'd like to see what other Beastmoon players think too. We're continuing looking to improve the event, especially simple indicators like which wave you're on, etc.