This weekend I was engaged in so many battles where there were wiz new to Beastmoon or Guild's doing training sessions (so only one sigil would engage and the rest just watched). I cannot tell you how awful it is to spend time playing this game only to lose every single match.
I suggest that you place wizards with wizards with similar experience in the beastmoon Game. I assume our game stats over time can be culled for rudimentary rankings? An average Beastmoon Hunt session is 20-30 minutes and when we have a new person on the team it often just ends up in a loss, and we know it's a loss when we start as they are using level 1 forms, have few spells to pick from and don't know about treasure cards.
For the record, I am happy to help new folks learn the game... but I want to know that I am being asked to play that role on occasion and not every single game over the weekend (which are far worse than weekdays). If those new folks are MUTES (can't do chat) they have no right to be in the game whatsoever.. There is no way to communicate with them and menu chat is so clunky it is hard to do in time alotted in battle.
For those of us iwth many upgraded forms, and who play the game to garner the bonuses for multiple wizards, it becomes tiring to engage the game just to lose by a drubbing because you have newer players or mutes who cannot understand strategy.
It makes the game no fun to play.
Mayhem has the same issue, but honestly you can carry a new player pretty easily there as there is not real down side to their forms except for the time element. In hunt, an inexperienced player just makes the whole game frustrating and brutal to play.
This weekend I was engaged in so many battles where there were wiz new to Beastmoon or Guild's doing training sessions (so only one sigil would engage and the rest just watched). I cannot tell you how awful it is to spend time playing this game only to lose every single match.
I suggest that you place wizards with wizards with similar experience in the beastmoon Game. I assume our game stats over time can be culled for rudimentary rankings? An average Beastmoon Hunt session is 20-30 minutes and when we have a new person on the team it often just ends up in a loss, and we know it's a loss when we start as they are using level 1 forms, have few spells to pick from and don't know about treasure cards.
For the record, I am happy to help new folks learn the game... but I want to know that I am being asked to play that role on occasion and not every single game over the weekend (which are far worse than weekdays). If those new folks are MUTES (can't do chat) they have no right to be in the game whatsoever.. There is no way to communicate with them and menu chat is so clunky it is hard to do in time alotted in battle.
For those of us iwth many upgraded forms, and who play the game to garner the bonuses for multiple wizards, it becomes tiring to engage the game just to lose by a drubbing because you have newer players or mutes who cannot understand strategy.
It makes the game no fun to play.
Mayhem has the same issue, but honestly you can carry a new player pretty easily there as there is not real down side to their forms except for the time element. In hunt, an inexperienced player just makes the whole game frustrating and brutal to play.
The main issue is Grouped players going against Solo Queue players. If that did not happen, the difference of power wouldn't be so noticeable. They can't make it so that this doesn't happen because it would increase wait times for groups too much.
If you wish to not play with newer players, then you can always try to find people to form a group.
I know you can't do it all the time but it's not very difficult. Personally, I prefer solo queue vs solo queue beastmoon, where players of all kinds of experience fight against each other. I find it surprising and interesting.
Not inexperienced vs experienced players, I understand your frustration!