1. Lots of matches where the total number of players were uneven (either due to internet/computer issues or straight up griefing). While I'm aware of a mercy rule when the delta is 3 players, but something needs to be adjusted for missing/inactive just one player. That one player not contributing always leads to a loss.
2. Please add/swap one more direct healing spell. The one spell in the Draconian's inventory is not enough (heal over time spells overall have limited utility, especially the higher pip costing ones). Even if this was self only, it would be helpful (since the Draconian is the #1 targeted type in Beastmoon)
3. Please vary the starting locations of and increase the frequency of combat pips. The current starting locations are always acquired by the elves/fairies.
1. Lots of matches where the total number of players were uneven (either due to internet/computer issues or straight up griefing). While I'm aware of a mercy rule when the delta is 3 players, but something needs to be adjusted for missing/inactive just one player. That one player not contributing always leads to a loss.
2. Please add/swap one more direct healing spell. The one spell in the Draconian's inventory is not enough (heal over time spells overall have limited utility, especially the higher pip costing ones). Even if this was self only, it would be helpful (since the Draconian is the #1 targeted type in Beastmoon)
3. Please vary the starting locations of and increase the frequency of combat pips. The current starting locations are always acquired by the elves/fairies.
Thanks Oran for the suggestions on improving the Beastmoon Hunt event! Missing players can definitely be a drag on winning, but it's certainly still possible.
I like the event and it is really fun. The one of two things that I noticed that I would like to be changed is for the school threads to be able to randomly drop whether it is a win or loss. One can either be on a winning or losing streak but for one thing, I ran it 900+ points from the time I started before I got my 10 balance thread to craft the second robe. That's crazy! The only time it dropped was on a win even though I probably won slightly more than I lost.
Another thing would be just about nobody knew how to plant the seed or how we got the planters. Perhaps have one of the NPCs tell you how we get planters or have a spot where it shows that we get one at so many points? After so long doing it, I finally got one but no idea how, I just assumed it was after racking up so many points and even then, I had only received three over the time I have been doing it.
It would also be great to have the event go on for 2 weeks instead of just one so those that have less time can participate and for those that do, don't feel so rushed to get in so many points before it is over to craft their robes or unlock items for the scroll of fortune.
"One thing i noticed, any overtime heals doesn’t revive defeated players"
For the heal that I noticed wouldn't work on others was the heal treasure card we got from the gold chest. I tried twice before one of my teammates told me that they learned the hard way too that it wouldn't work. If it does, I had no more luck than my teammate had, it only worked on myself.
I like the event and it is really fun. The one of two things that I noticed that I would like to be changed is for the school threads to be able to randomly drop whether it is a win or loss. One can either be on a winning or losing streak but for one thing, I ran it 900+ points from the time I started before I got my 10 balance thread to craft the second robe. That's crazy! The only time it dropped was on a win even though I probably won slightly more than I lost.
Another thing would be just about nobody knew how to plant the seed or how we got the planters. Perhaps have one of the NPCs tell you how we get planters or have a spot where it shows that we get one at so many points? After so long doing it, I finally got one but no idea how, I just assumed it was after racking up so many points and even then, I had only received three over the time I have been doing it.
It would also be great to have the event go on for 2 weeks instead of just one so those that have less time can participate and for those that do, don't feel so rushed to get in so many points before it is over to craft their robes or unlock items for the scroll of fortune.
"One thing i noticed, any overtime heals doesn’t revive defeated players"
For the heal that I noticed wouldn't work on others was the heal treasure card we got from the gold chest. I tried twice before one of my teammates told me that they learned the hard way too that it wouldn't work. If it does, I had no more luck than my teammate had, it only worked on myself.
So you get 2 planters after your first hunt. I know some people accidently fed theirs to their pet not realizing they needed them. Additional planters are just lucky drops.
please could you make some room in there where we can talk to a friend who tries to get in touch with us while were in the game. I don't have open chat so I have to text them. I had a friend say hi and ask me a question and I couldn't answer because I was in the arena. The map in there covers the entire right side corner where our friend notifications are.
One thing i noticed, any overtime heals doesn’t revive defeated players
It's always been this way, its because overtimes like sprite and availing hands has an initial healing then an overtime. While the healing spells in Beastmoon are just overtime.
please could you make some room in there where we can talk to a friend who tries to get in touch with us while were in the game. I don't have open chat so I have to text them. I had a friend say hi and ask me a question and I couldn't answer because I was in the arena. The map in there covers the entire right side corner where our friend notifications are.