there should be counters that are available to most forms in beastmoon for stun and taunt. When these two spells are combined and spammed it makes a joke out of a "match".
There are counters to Stuns, Stun Blocks. Ice forms typically have them, but so do a few other forms like Death Krok or Myth Wolf.
But I definitely agree on needing a counter for Taunt and Pacify effects.
There is the possibility of doing an aoe after taunt or pacify that for get the upper hand on the before they cast. Honestly though if you want to nerf 'em then just make them a single turn, like what mark of moirai was.
There is the possibility of doing an aoe after taunt or pacify that for get the upper hand on the before they cast. Honestly though if you want to nerf 'em then just make them a single turn, like what mark of moirai was.
AoEs are bad in most cases. It's gotten to the point where if I am with randoms and I see someone say that they can AoE soon, I instantly think to myself "Well that battle is lost." The risk you take by waiting for an AoE is too great, and almost every form that can AoE can deal similar damage via a single attack on the same turn the Taunt is played. Forms that can AoE quickly tend to be really squishy, and thus can just die in one turn instead.
The best counter to Taunt is for everyone to communicate how much damage they can do on that turn. Not the next turn, how much they can do on turn 1. If your team has enough damage to one-turn kill the enemy you're after, then do that. Otherwise, do not attack that enemy at all.If you can't get their HP to 0, then your efforts are wasted. There's a nonzero chance that the enemy will faildeck and not have a Taunt, but you can't possibly tell until it's too late. Instead, actually go for the Taunter first. Despite the higher health, you'll be able to defeat them sooner because of the Taunt.
I wouldn't mind the duration of Taunt being reduced to one round. After all, it's a 0-pip spell that fully deletes an enemy team's tempo if they don't act correctly. Its very presence means that they have to select a large tanky form for the first target, even when more dangerous forms are right there. Since my last post here they did add the Myth Fairy which does extra damage against Taunted enemies with one of its spells, which is nice but I don't see it making a big difference.