I have been trying to craft the decks in darkmoor, but for the life of me i cannot even catch one of the fish needed to complete the recipe. Because i was a higher level i really saw never he need to fish, so i am only level four in fishing and i don't have access to any of the better lures and have to deal with all of the bone fish and the dekoi that is not even worth while. It's getting to the point where i can't even catch a catfish in the commons in wizard city. The point of this is I feel that in updates to the game fishing should not be involved in crafting. With using plants at least you can farm for it, unlike fishing where you have to pray you get lucky and have no energy left over. So if It can't be changed where fishing isn't part of the recipes in darkmoor, at least make it where it is only used for the extras (examples: mounts, furniture, etc.)