A while ago, during a KI Live, they explained how fishing luck worked. What I'm asking about is the specific situation where you use a higher level lure than the fish rank (using a Rank 2 or 3 spell for a Rank 1 fish), what is the bonus, per spell level, beyond the fish level, for each subsequent fish? So:
Rank 1 fish caught with rank 2 spell = X bonus fishing luck Rank 1 fish caught with rank 3 spell = Y bonus fishing luck
This is what Im trying to figure out. Thanks in advance
yes, of course you use the correct lure, but if you can get a better chance of catching a rare fish, even a level 1 fish, by using a higher level lure, then that is the best lure. They stated there was a bonus to fishing luck for using a higher level lure, and Im trying to find out what ti is because I dont remember