A while back I was fishing in GH for the boar fish, I quickly snagged one and had so much energy left I went for the polar bearacuda... Six days of fishing in a row with no luck I was becoming more agitated by the moment. Then on the seventh day an ice fish finally took the bait and I had finally caught the polar bearacuda, and to this day it is still the hardest fish for me to catch.
I want to hear if anyone else has had a rough fishing trip and what fish it was that eluded you for so long.
Mine is definitely a tie between the catfish and fish sandwich. I tried going to Cyclops Lane every day for weeks looking for myth fish and fishing them out. They were always getting away it took like two weeks to get it. Every time I start a new character I accept the elusive Lucky Hookline fishing quests. I always stall on the catfish because there are so many fire fish in the commens!
I've got them all now, but the ones I had the toughest time with were the Silver Streak, Sturgeon General, Goldfin-ger, and Errol Flynn.
The Silver Streak and Sturgeon General just wouldn't spawn for me. But the Goldfin-ger and Errol Flynn, in addition to spawning infrequently, were in ponds that had so many other fish of the same school. That made it even tougher, because it wasn't as simple as, "Well, the fish I'm looking for clearly isn't here, let's reset the pond again," there was a lot more searching involved.
I still got them, but they took a lot more patience than most other fish.
Errol Fynn in Ravenwood was very hard. Silver Streak in Entrance Hall avoided me til I saw a video online. That fish drove me cray cray . Musushi in Crimson Fields is making me crazy, cause you have to do most of a dungeon just to get to where they are. Then they are not usually in the pond. Over and over again. Still haven't got one of them. Good luck to all of you. Michael
Well with the polar bearacuda sry if spelt wrong.But your right that fish is hard o find i havent catched it yet it's very hard. I don't Know what it looks like but I might never get that amazing fish. LV64Andrew Mythhunter Death for the win my people death.