After hitting the furniture button, click the aquarium you want to add a fish to. there should be a little fish icon above and in between the pick up and move buttons. click that.
My house is full of empty aquariums. How do I get fish in them? I do have caught fish. Thanks in advance. :)
Click on your housing symbol (the one you use to place items and decorate etc). Now click on the aquarium you want to put a fish into. There will be the normal icons for picking up, moving and rotating the housing item, but it will also have an icon for adding or removing fish
When you click on that icon it will show you what fish are inside the aquarium and what fish you currently have in your backpack that are the right size for the aquarium. You can now add or remove fish
Keep in mind that when we have fish in our bag but none show up it isn't because the fish are not registering, it's because none of our fish are the appropriate size for that particular aquarium. We can see what type of aquarium is required by checking the fish in our backpacks - there is a little picture of an aquarium we can click and it will tell us what that fish needs
Let us know how you get on! Good luck with your fishies
You have to put the right size and shape of fish into the right kind of fish tank. If all the fish you caught are regular shape fish in keeper size, not small fry or whopper size, it must go in a regular keeper fish tank. If your tank is for large shape fish (for sting ray and other wide shaped fish) , or tall shape fish (like jellyfish), you will not be able to put a regular shape fish in it. Same if you have a tank for the right fish shape, but in the wrong size, it won't go in.
If you have the right size and shape tank for the fish you want to put in, place the tank in your house, then click on it. you should see the regular things for moving and picking up furniture, but also a new one to click that lets you see a list of fish that can go in that tank, if you caught any. If all the fish you caught are the wrong size or shape for the tank, that list will be blank. Fish can also be removed from a tank after they have been put in it.
There are also multi-tanks that hold more than one fish at a time, but they still must match the fish's shape (regular, large or tall) and size (small fry, keeper, or whopper).
New problem. Keep in mind, I am a lousy fisher person. Only 2 of my fish went in 2 of my tanks. I have 2 monster tanks. They didn't take any of the fish I've been able to catch. Where are pretty fish, that are easy to catch, for the largest aquariums, plz? Again, thanks in advance. :)