Obviously I've caught the Gobblerfish this year and previously. However, I've read nobody say anything about a Decaversary fish. Can sparck confirm or deny it is in game or coming before the birthday month ends? My fishing friends and I are amazed there isn't one, especially as it would be a milestone of the 200th fish in game.
I'm kind of surprised about that too. I was really hoping for a new fish for the celebration.
Maybe there's a new one coming later in the month, but I don't see it. I think if there was a new one, it would have been launched from the start when all of the others were brought back. I mean why give people an entire month to catch fish most people already have while offering a shorter period of time for people to catch a fish nobody has yet? Maybe that's a bit too cynical, but I'm thinking we're out of luck when it comes to a new fish.