Why have a quest to catch this fish and not stock it in the ponds in high road and the wyrd? What is the point in not stocking it, or is it an oversight? I cannot progress until you add it. If it's on purpose, why? How many resets and reveal school spells does a person have to do to get it to show up? I just want to get the quest over with, not drag it on forever.
Why have a quest to catch this fish and not stock it in the ponds in high road and the wyrd? What is the point in not stocking it, or is it an oversight? I cannot progress until you add it. If it's on purpose, why? How many resets and reveal school spells does a person have to do to get it to show up? I just want to get the quest over with, not drag it on forever.
It's an epic fish so not always there.
I got it in the Wyrd because it's the only life fish there so easy to spot with a reveal fish school spell. If it's not showing just reset and try again. It took several days using all my energy to get her but it was the easiest way...and she is an epic!
Now is a really good time to do it while fishing doesn't cost energy, but if you don't have membership or see this too late I hope the way I did it helps you get her more easily too.
I did the quest to catch the Sea Fairy this past zero energy fishing weekend on a couple of my wizards. Took three resets on one, around fifty on the other. It's there, it may just take awhile.
I caught the Sea Fairy at Avalon High Road today on all 4 wizards. It took a couple of resets. It was usually near the wall where you stand so be careful.Don't scare it away before you can even cast reveal. It's the only life fish there.
Beautiful fish and I agree that it would make a nice pet.