I completed the quest of Mirkholm, but when I went back to look for the yarbirds, I need to get into Wolf Palace, but the gate is closed. I guess I was suppose to activate a teleport stone while on the quest that would get me through, but I never thought it would be an issue. Now none of the characters talk to me, and I have no way to open the gate. Can anyone please suggest a solution?
If you haven't enabled the teleport stone, the only other way in is to follow the path through the caves. Check your map for details, but the gist is you'll enter through that little canyon area behind the catapult target zone, and follow a trail to the left.
Thanks for that! I did find a player who thought he had access via the stone. Turned out he did not, but he did know about the "back way in" and showed me, so I am good to go. Thanks much again, though, for replying. Maybe this will help another down the road.