actually, you can solo jotun (living proof right here), all you need to do is defeat the first to brothers first, makes everything easier, then just work hard, and if you have decent spells, health, and heals, you should be able to defeat jotun and the one minion he is with, i did this, but i am also death and only used wraith and scarecrow in the battle
Yeah its simple if you're death! You can hit and heal at teh same time. Soon eveyone will realize hwo powerful the deat hschool really is and how it is the best school! It is simple: the enemy works hard to use his pips to hurt you. Then he has to use even more pips for healing spells. Death does both at once, making Jotun an almost easy battle.
Yeah its simple if you're death! You can hit and heal at teh same time. Soon eveyone will realize hwo powerful the deat hschool really is and how it is the best school! It is simple: the enemy works hard to use his pips to hurt you. Then he has to use even more pips for healing spells. Death does both at once, making Jotun an almost easy battle.
If you jump right into the center room, expecting to defeat Jotun, you're in for a very tough battle. If you really want to solo Jotun (and yes, it's possible with all schools), you need to take the time to defeat his brothers in the two side rooms. That way, they won't be available to help him when the time comes.