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a bazaar idea

Jun 17, 2009
i have a idea about the bazaar, and i was thinking if some one buys some thing it should not be on the list still, like if there is one uh hat left in the bazaar and some one buys it, it should not still be on the list cause i was shopping for some things and i clicked on and it said there was one left so i clicked buy and then it said it was not able to buy any more, so i think it should update right after so that people don't get upset from trying to buy something and it not really being there, i also thought that selling houses in the bazaar would be nice to but you could not buy them from there but only sell them, and when you buy a house from a house shop and it is like lets say 40,000 gold and then you try to sell it in a house shop and the money you get back from selling it is 4000
i think when you sell a house you should get half your money back at lest so you don't lose so much, and when you have the full amount of gold to the max i think the max should be rised ,
thank you for reading my long post :D

michelle redcatcher lvl 58 fire

Apr 12, 2010
It does go away. if you get that message. close the window for buying and then hit x again to shop. when you look then it will show that item as gone.

May 20, 2010
It's a static display. To create a dymamic display (one that updates constantly) would be a nightmare to program and a bigger nightmare on both the server and your computer.