I am a storm wiz with some absorb 3 pip cards, and a absorb necklace. I don't use them much when I have more than 3 pips because it uses all my pips up, even when I have more. I've also seen this with sprite healing spells as well. Are these spells broken currently or do they just work this way with non primary schools wizzys?
I am a storm wiz with some absorb 3 pip cards, and a absorb necklace. I don't use them much when I have more than 3 pips because it uses all my pips up, even when I have more. I've also seen this with sprite healing spells as well. Are these spells broken currently or do they just work this way with non primary schools wizzys?
if i am thinking right, you are talking about power pips right? unless you have a mastry amulet, if you cast an absorb with three power pips, all six of them get taken. if you have many power pips, then you should start to attack, unless you really need the pixie and/or the absorb
Spells outside of your school treat power pips as single pips, unless you're equipped with a Mastery Amulet in that school. Therefore, Spirit Armor/Absorb will take up 3 pips. It will look for single (white) pips first, and when those are gone, it will use Power (yellow) pips, treating those as a single pip. So the spell will use up three pip positions.
If the spell is using more than three pips (counting each pip as a single), then it's bugged, and you need to send in a ticket to Support.
If you are talking about regular pips, this is a bug. If you are talking about Power pips, then it's a different story. If you are a Storm wizard with 3 powerpips and you use Absorb (a Life spell) it will take all 3 powerpips. Unless you have a mastery amulet for that school, you can't use powerpips for other schools.
I recently noticed this too, I make sure to have regular pips when using the absorb card now and it does not use all my pips up. Thanks for the replies.