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accidentally sold my magma peas!

Apr 24, 2010
as the title implies I sold my Evil Magma Peas but indirectly, i sold my royal estate when i meant to sell my imperial palace. I also sold that but that is not the point my evil magma peas were happily gardened in my royal estate. there were four magma peas indirectly sold that i got from KIFG, (KingsIsleFreeGames) that was worth 10$! but i am going insane now please help, if not it is ok with me

Young Wizard, it is your responsibility to take care of your own items.

We let players sell plants with a house so you don’t have to plow all your plants under first.

You can continue to play the games at KIFreeGames.com in order to earn more seeds, but you cannot reclaim the plants you sold.

Apr 24, 2010
yeah that is actually what i expected you to say, but perfectly solvable (but it will cost a lot lol)