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account muting

Jan 11, 2009
I logged on, and it sayed that my account was muted, not able to use text chat. im a member, and i dont know why it is doing this. If anyone else has the same problem, and knows why it happens, please leave a reply. Thanks, :D

Dear young wizard,

Anytime an account is sanctioned, an email is sent to the address on file. You may want to check there. The email provides rough idea on why the account was sanctioned, what type of sanction and duration. If you wish to have further conversation regarding additional details, you can reply directly to the email.

May 16, 2009
i do not understand the harshness attatched to the ten year muting on accounts. it is too extreme in my opinion. there is no warning given or even a smaller punishment. it is immediately ten years. what is the point? KI has created a social networking site whether they realize it or not. it is only natural for people to want to develope relationships that have been started on this game and carry them into "real life". i don't see anything wrong with this regardless of their terms of use. it is an egregious error and poor judgement. no offense to the creators of the game, but i don't play this game solely to quest without end. it is the people that you meet along the way that make the game what it is. there are people that i have met that i truly care about and now i have no way of communicating with them or enjoying their company. does KI really think that someone who has been muted will continue to pay for their account for ten years? you are sorely mistaken. i do realize that rules exist for a reason. there should be a warning given before such a punishment is dealt out. going online and finding out you have been muted for ten years is a crushing blow. too extreme and the punishment does not fit the crime. please rethink on this matter. i am not going to be playing wiz anymore. this whole situation is very disheartening to me and makes me sick to think that KI has my money and could care less about one person in ten million. this is a serious issue and needs to be addressed. ten year mutings are ridiculous and extreme and should not be the end result of minor offenses. i doubt seriously that each case is given much scrutiny. please rethink this muting. there must be another way to deal with infractions.

Sep 19, 2010
" KI has created a social networking site whether they realize it or not. it is only natural for people to want to develope relationships that have been started on this game and carry them into "real life". i don't see anything wrong with this regardless of their terms of use. "

Regardless of what you believe, this isn't a social networking site, but a game, and it's played by the very young.
This is for their protection. The dangers are very real, and I'm extremely glad that KI takes this very seriously.

Consider yourself very lucky for that 10 year mute, as asking for personal information here can result in an account ban.

Jun 04, 2009
mylesw wrote:
I logged on, and it sayed that my account was muted, not able to use text chat. im a member, and i dont know why it is doing this. If anyone else has the same problem, and knows why it happens, please leave a reply. Thanks, :D

You might have said something innapropriate, or did something bad. Like Mr. Lincoln said, check your e-mail.

KI might explain what you did and why you were muted.

May 16, 2009

While i can agree that this game is played by the very young, perhaps you are unaware of the numerous adults who also play this game. I think sharing your email with another adult is not a mutable offense. Some people's intentions on this game are honest and are in no way meant to harm any young people. I think that KI also has the ability to watch the interactions between people and if they thought it was something that warranted a ban then I am sure that I would have been banned. Just merely asking another adult for their email information should not be seen as a threat to young people who play this game. Getting muted for ten years, in essence, is equal to being banned since it now eliminates communication of any kind between people that you are friends with. I do understand the need to protect children. I do understand safe guards. But across the board muting when an email is requested by an adult to an adult is far too extreme and does not warrant such a punishment. And whether you want to think so or not, this game is a way for people to socialize and therefore people do seek to share info. I ask that there be another way to share info safely since it will happen. Let's not have our heads in the sand on this. It is human nature to want to connect and if you think people just come on here to quest and not to make friends then you are oblivious. It is a testament to the game that such a variety of ages enjoy it. Don't punish those adults who seek to garner more from this game. We are not predators of children. This game needs to address these issues or they are going to be losing customers.

You are absolutely correct! “Some people's intentions on this game are honest and are in no way meant to harm any young people.” - in fact, I’ll go even further and surmise that MOST people’s intentions do not have predatory inclinations. HOWEVER, if you were a parent of a young child playing Wizard101, would you truly want someone to make a judgment call every time an exchange of personal information was made? We are quite aware of kids fudging their dates of birth to obtain open chat, and we are aware that some parents pointedly allow their children the open/filtered chat. You NEVER know who you’re really talking to and if you do, then we kindly request you limit the exchange of personal information to outside the game. To engage otherwise is foolhardy at best and open for legal consequences outside of the game at worst.

We post the rules (aka Terms of Use). These rules apply to everyone, irrespective of age or intent. We do make allowances, in terms of a permanent account mute, over an outright account ban when the situation warrants a “second chance”. This allows the player to continue with their wizard(s) & the rest of the community can be fairly assured of future rule compliance.

Wizard101 is a game enjoyed by the full spectrum of ages. We trust & hope that those over the age of 18 fully understand that KingsIsle Entertainment will always default to the safety and security of our youngest players. It’s the adult players, such as you purport to be, that we rely on to help set the tone of Wizard101 as the best family friendly MMO on the internet

May 30, 2009
What I find totally ridiculous is the fact that you just assume the people you are trading information with are adults. There is no way of knowing for sure what age they are unless you know this person in real life, in which case there would be no need for the exchange of personal information. My 13 year old son types/speaks/acts like an adult and if asked in the game he would say he is 13 BUT, it would be very easy for him to lie about it and say he is 25 or whatever. It isn't that hard or even far fetched to think of someone lying about their age.

When you signed up for this game the ToS was right there for you to read and has been there the entire time of your play. If you chose not to read it then that is your lose but you shouldn't fault KI for your lack of interest in the rules. It clearly states that the exchange of personal information will result in a permanent ban. If this is something you partook in and was reported then you got lucky with the ten year mute and not a total ban of your account. Plain and simple, you broke the rules, you pay the price.

I don't have to worry about the safety of my kids, as far as internet predators go, with this game. This is NOT a social networking site. It is a game, one in which many, many, many children play, and frankly with you being an adult you should understand this. I don't know if you have kids or not, but believe me, if I were to see you asking someone for their email address I would report you immediately regardless of if it were a friend you had had for over a year or whatever. You can NEVER be sure of who you are talking to on the other side of that computer screen. Asking for personal info is against the rules and again I say, if you can't follow the rules you deserve the punishment that has been dealt.

May 16, 2009
Although I am happy that you agree with certain parts of my post I think you have somewhat missed the point I am trying to make. In KI's terms of use, rule number eight states that you are not allowed to collect info about others including email without their consent. How are you supposed to get their consent without first asking for their email? And if you are in fact talking to an adult and that adult gives you their email, is that not implied consent? The word that all this hinges on is CONSENT. Are you first supposed to ask for their consent to ask a personal info question? And yes i do realize that young kids are finding ways to get unfiltered chat. It doesn't take long to discover who is truly an adult and who is not. Please give us some credit on this point. You cannot go anywhere in this game without someone spouting personal info for all to hear. Is the spiral going to be filled with nothing but mutes for the next ten years? I am disgusted by the responses that I have been given by KI. That I should be happy to be muted for ten years? That I should be made to feel that I am a threat to children and therefore, must be silenced? I cannot say enough how absolutely saddened I am by the measures that have been taken against me. If I truly felt like I deserved it I would take it and be done with it. I honestly feel as if KI has gone overboard on this. No one should have to feel as if they are a criminal on a game and be reduced to a mute for ten years just for asking for another adult's email. I hope there are others out there who have gone through this as well and will speak up about it. Nothing will change unless you fight for change. Being a loyal customer counts for nothing. This is the conclusion I have come to. I suppose KI doesn't mind losing one when they have ten million and more coming in each day. Now I know what matters most to them.

Nov 01, 2009
Thank you Mr. Lincoln, for that wonderful and thoughtful response. I don't have any kids, but I, for one, am glad that KI takes the saftey of it's youngest players so seriously. There is no need for kids to take any friendships they make on this game outside of that context. I agree that most of the people have good intentions, but there are too many out there who don't to be lax in security. Do you really want your kids to meet face-to-face with someone they have met online? I wouldn't.

May 16, 2009
I seriously doubt that anyone who has replied to my posts is actually reading what i am writing. Has anyone actually read the terms of use but me? For your reading pleasure I will again restate rule number eight in the terms of use that KI has put out. You agree not to collect info about others, including email, without their consent. If this rule stated that you were not allowed to collect emails period then you would have a point. But, in fact, the rule does not end there. It specifically states, "without their consent". Can we please frame our responses to my posts around the words in quotation marks please? Instead of, as usual, telling me I got what I deserved because I asked for another adult's email address (in private chat mind you, far from the watchful eyes of young wizards) can we please discuss the rule that I am supposedly breaking? I would like for someone to explain to me how you can ask for someone's email with or without their consent. I am curious if anyone else sees the catch 22 situation here. Also, if you spend enough time with people on here, i.e. your friends, you will be able to ascertain if they are indeed adults. I seriously doubt that I would have a problem figuring out if a 13 yr old who claims to be 25 is actually 25 or 13. Can we please stop harping on this same theory? It didn't happen in my situation so your point is therefore moot. I am sure all the parents will sleep soundly knowing that the wizarding community is safe from me and my single instance of email wrong doing. Goodness. Has any of these parents watched their kids battle in arena? I wonder what they think when they see the behaviors going on in there? Does asking for an email from an adult compare to the relentless onslaught of foul language directed at our young wizards? Is anyone caring about that? Where is the outcry? I see posts upon posts of people being subjected to this behavior. Anyone walk through a common area and see these words fill text bubbles: "bench", "flock you", and some other beauties that seem to go unchecked and unpunished? Would you call this a family friendly site then? Would you say that I am the worst in the spiral? Obviously, as an adult, I do know how to conduct myself. I actually also know how to read, and have read many times the terms of use in its entirety. Can you claim the same? If you care about children, start dealing with some of the real issues on this game that are effecting children. The stuff they actually see and are subjected to! I hope I have made my point, yet again. If you have a post that pertains to my supposed offense (reread top of post) I would welcome your input. Do not continue to use the same lines against me. Think before you type.

Sep 19, 2010
" In KI's terms of use, rule number eight states that you are not allowed to collect info about others including email without their consent. "

This is followed by Rule 11 which states you are not to solicit, provide or exchange ANY personal information, including but not limited to user names or passwords.

I believe 'Without consent' more refers to the legal end of third party affiliations more than we players.
It also mentions that if you do not agree to the Terms of Use, don't use the site.

You don't know who you're talking to, the dangers of giving out your personal information online are very real and I'm thrilled that KI takes this so very seriously.
It is obvious to me that KI values their players more than they value money to take such extremes as 10 year mutes. They may have lost you, but knowing they take player safety so seriously, they'll always have me.

May 22, 2009
Did you continue reading the terms of use? Rule #11 is very clear. You cannot solicit, provide or exchange any personal information, INCLUDING but NOT LIMITED to user names or passwords;
Rule #8 deals with the collecting of information about OTHERS. In other words... Person A cannot give Person B's e-mail to Person C without Person B's approval. At least that is how i interpreted that rule.

Hannah Lifebringer Level 60 Life

May 16, 2009
I am still completely boggled by the posts that I am receiving on this matter. Yes, I have read rule number 11 that states you are not allowed to solicit personal info from other players. Let's see what might qualify as personal info, shall we? A person's hair color, a person's age, a person's occupation, hmm shall I continue? Even if you do not "solicit" this info, most people state it freely and therefore, according to rule 11, we would all be guilty of "collecting personal info". There is a catch 22 situtation here if anyone actually looks at rule number eight and eleven. You cannot abide by one without breaking the other. You cannot get consent without first putting forth what it is that you want. And I don't buy the party A plus party B needs to know party C theory. There are no third parties in this equation no matter how you interpret it. The rule states that you can get an email with consent. There is no other way to read this. Rule eleven basically cancels out rule eight. How can you follow conflicting rules? As usual, I eagerly await your responses.

Jun 27, 2009
The lady who has been muted is a friend of mine. Like myself she is a Grandmother. She is the most helpful player that I have ever met. She will go to the need of high and low level players alike. On many an occasion she has stopped what she is doing to go help rescue another player. Not once has she ever used any language that you would not want your son or daughter to hear. Her generous spirit and fair play is a lesson that could be well learned by all of us. As far as the e-mails are concerned. The exchange was given with "permission" of the players involved. The involved persons were adults.
Like myself,"older than dirt". To attack her is a tragedy. She is an asset to this game. I would certainly hope to moderators of this game would pay more attention to the younger players that are constatly finding interesting ways to curse and use the foulest of words.
I have read and re-read the rules, "consent" seems to be the key word here. If two adults with the consent of the other exchanged emails in private text, then no rule was broken. May I repeat "WITH CONSENT".
This issue is beyond silly and she is being muted when she did not break the contract as it is now written.
I would certainly hope that the people who watch "ever so carefully" would correct this injustice.

Jun 27, 2009
I thought more last night about the harshness of this account muting. I read where one person posted this is "not" a social network only a game. That is ubsurd. Anytime you open your mouth or type in "hi" now you are in a social exchange. It is a game but very much a social network. This reminded me of a news story I read last year concerning zero tolerance. A straight A honor roll student helped her family with the moving from one home to another. The following Monday she drove to school. Someone saw a small paring knife that has slipped from a bag on the carpet on the passenger side, and reported it to the office. The student was suspended and denied the privledge of attending her graduation ceremony. Does anyone see this as fair or the right decision for this girl? It went to court and the girl was vendicated. I would hope the moderators who sit as judge and jury would see the ubsurdity in absolute zero tolerance does not work in every case.
And again I beg these "mods" to go stand in the commons area and see the language, taunting and harassing that some of the younger players are allowed to continue.

Jun 27, 2009
Just a thought for the game developers. If they can create a game with such marvelous graphics and interesting tasks, surely they can create a method so that the adults can have more latitude than the children. I am a 62 year old grandmother and I resent having the same restraints as a 5 year old. I am far from a computer whizz so I leave this to the people who push the keys.

Sep 19, 2010
Firegod5700 -

Your first post had indicated that this is a social networking site regardless of the Terms of Use.
Your following post analyzes the Terms of Use covering the infraction that resulted in your mute.
You go on to say that KI should be more tuned into the interaction in-game and not on such small infractions as this.

To all the above, I would like to say that if you have seen the player interactions you're referring to, you would see the absolute need for this rule and why it is so strictly enforced.
" I need a boy ", " I need a girl " ... Now imagine the ramifications if any contact information could be shared between players. Keep in mind you have no idea who would be getting that information or how they would use it.

The point here is to say that you had solicited contact information. Age and intent has no bearing whatsoever on enforcing this rule, as this is a blanket policy covering each and every player without exception. This is for the safety of the players as well as the company.

I'm sure your intentions were honorable here, but there cannot be any exceptions to this rule. You are not to ask for or give any personal information which would allow for contact outside the game.

Btw, there should be an avenue for you to appeal this somewhere in the email KI sent you if you want to pursue it.

Jul 15, 2009
saicosis wrote:
The lady who has been muted is a friend of mine. Like myself she is a Grandmother. She is the most helpful player that I have ever met. She will go to the need of high and low level players alike. On many an occasion she has stopped what she is doing to go help rescue another player.

I don't believe anyone here is actually questioning this particular individual's integrity per se. It is simply that there is an immutable point of contention in regards to her active behavior.

Firegod5700 would like her right to communicate to fellow adults to be held sacrosanct, and without penalty, regardless of any potential risks this brings into the system, because she herself would not abuse the system.

Others would have the restrictions of soliciting personal information, which does include e-mail addresses to be held sacrosant, even over what otherwise would be considered an acceptable social exchange to best ensure that the safety of the entire group, especially it's youngest members.

This is because individuals like Firegod5700 would not abuse the system to bring harm, there are others who would. It is why the terms of agreements exist. They describle the limitations of free speech and communication that a player is willing to accept in order to play.

We are hearing what you both have to say. It is not that we are not sympathetic to your situation. It is quite simply that to me at least, it is worth accepting the potential risk of being muted in a child's game for a single unwise decision than to have a child lie about thier age (or an adult for that matter), make a bad decision on when to share thier e-mail (ect) and be murdered for it.

Thier lives, quite simply, are worth more to me than your convenience.

Firegod5700, I know this sounds harsh. I know you want to distance your own troubles from those issues, in part because you do not have that sort of evil in your heart. I can certainly appreciate the desire to have the case judged differently because of that.

The problem of allowing leniency on such a matter comes when KI gets it wrong, and only 'warns' someone that goes on to do true harm to someone using information they got, with consent, through the game. That is the nightmare that brings in the harsh penalty, the horror that could happen to my nephews, or your grandchild, or some kid on the game neither of us knows.

I have made great friends on the game. People I truly treasure playing with and would probably really like in real life. I'm not going to try and get thier personal contact info, though. Not because I wouldn't like to hang out with them sometime, but because they are my friends, and friends do not encourage friends to engage in risky behavior.

May 16, 2009
Thanks to all who have weighed in on this issue. I am happy to see that someone, finally, believes that I am not out to harm children. The problem that I have is the language that is used in the terms of use. They included a word called "consent". If you do not want anyone for any reason exchanging any info whatsoever, do not give them that option. Do not put a word such as "consent" in your terms. But, as i have stated in many posts, there is such a word in rule eight of terms of use. It is my right to challenge this ruling. I only posted in the first place because I wanted to know if anyone else had gone through a similar situation. I will state, yet again, that I do believe in protecting children. I know without a doubt that there are predators that would seek to befriend and abuse them. I am not so foolish as to ignore these truths. I am not one of those people. I actually do have young friends on this game and I never want to see harm come to any of them. I only wish to rectify my own personal situation. I can readily admit that KI does not know me personally. It is difficult to defend your character in this matter. I know first hand how hard it is to prove that your intentions were true. KI also must admit that these two particular rules contradict each other. I would also advise that rule number 11 not be so vague or broad might be a better word. Anything, anything, anything can be seen as personal info. What exactly does KI want children to be protected from specifically? What information is most damaging if exhcanged? I think the rule needs to be rewritten. I think it must contain the exact things that cannot be shared. No more of this "including, but not limited to" vagueness. Tell us what is not to be shared. Don't just assume that we know. As we have seen in these posts, people interpret rules in their own way. KI needs to take interpretation out of the equation. Again, thank you for the input. This has been a most unpleasant learning experience, but one worth having I think. I love this game and have been a loyal customer for a year and a half. I hope that even if you have not agreed with me that at the very least you could understand why I am fighting to be returned to my previous status. I miss my friends. You do meet many people that you bond with and I wish to return to them. This has been my motivation. No matter what differences separate us, I believe we can all agree on this point. Thank you for your time and posts.

Mar 12, 2010
Note to Talance3.

Thank you for the well-written, sensitive response to this issue. I agree completely.

Jun 27, 2009
My daughter lets my three grandsons play this game. They are not stuck back in their bedroom hour after hour without supervision. Their computer is in the main part of the house. She only allows them to play about an hour at a time. During this time she wanders by 3 or 4 times just to keep an eye on them. She has installed an devise called "Spy Cam" on their computer. It takes a screen shot every 30 seconds to 15 minutes depending on how it is set. The boys are aware this system is watching what they do. At night she scans over what and where they have been and conversations.
Perhaps the parents who are rightly concerned about the safety of their children should get more proactive. Is your child's computer in their room or side office where they are left unsupervised for hours? Do you keep a watchful eye on them or leave it to the rules of some internet game to protect them?

Mar 15, 2009
Firegod5700 wrote:
Thanks to all who have weighed in on this issue. I am happy to see that someone, finally, believes that I am not out to harm children. The problem that I have is the language that is used in the terms of use. They included a word called "consent". If you do not want anyone for any reason exchanging any info whatsoever, do not give them that option. Do not put a word such as "consent" in your terms. But, as i have stated in many posts, there is such a word in rule eight of terms of use. It is my right to challenge this ruling. I only posted in the first place because I wanted to know if anyone else had gone through a similar situation. I will state, yet again, that I do believe in protecting children. I know without a doubt that there are predators that would seek to befriend and abuse them. I am not so foolish as to ignore these truths. I am not one of those people. I actually do have young friends on this game and I never want to see harm come to any of them. I only wish to rectify my own personal situation. I can readily admit that KI does not know me personally. It is difficult to defend your character in this matter. I know first hand how hard it is to prove that your intentions were true. KI also must admit that these two particular rules contradict each other. I would also advise that rule number 11 not be so vague or broad might be a better word. Anything, anything, anything can be seen as personal info. What exactly does KI want children to be protected from specifically? What information is most damaging if exhcanged? I think the rule needs to be rewritten. I think it must contain the exact things that cannot be shared. No more of this "including, but not limited to" vagueness. Tell us what is not to be shared. Don't just assume that we know. As we have seen in these posts, people interpret rules in their own way. KI needs to take interpretation out of the equation. Again, thank you for the input. This has been a most unpleasant learning experience, but one worth having I think. I love this game and have been a loyal customer for a year and a half. I hope that even if you have not agreed with me that at the very least you could understand why I am fighting to be returned to my previous status. I miss my friends. You do meet many people that you bond with and I wish to return to them. This has been my motivation. No matter what differences separate us, I believe we can all agree on this point. Thank you for your time and posts.

My question is,Why are you so hard pressed to exchange info with people on a mostly kids game?
Iam a little confussed as to why you are pushing it so hard!

This is a game not a infomation exchange site! KI made it clear "no exchaging personal information" that means NOTHING PERSONAL" how hard is that to understand!

Thank you KI keep protecting the younger players and keep them safe aways! If it means muting every one to keep the children safe then by all means do it !


May 16, 2009
Dear M. Redblood, you obviously have not read the terms of use. Can you please look at them before you post? I don't feel like repeating everything I have written in the last six posts so please scroll up so that you might get an idea of what is going on. Also, I don't have to give you any reason why I needed to get an email from someone. For your information, I have been on this game for a year and a half and have not solicited an email from anyone. So, you can all stop acting like the spiral has been saved from a child predator, ok? I am an adult and the person that I have known for a long time on this game is also an adult. Don't bother me with the "how did you know they were an adult" ridiculousness. When you actually spend time with a person and have actual conversations with them, believe me, you know. This person was going through something that I hope no one will ever have to experience and needed my friendship beyond what I could do in this game. Can anyone understand this? I am not out there throwing my email info around nor am I trying to collect others as well. No children were harmed in any way by this transaction I can assure you. Also, can we please stop acting like our children on this game aren't exposed to the foulest language? I can't tell you how many posts I have read that address this issue. I'm sure KI is doing it's best to cover the areas that most threaten the children who play this game. I have never said I don't agree with their safe guards. I have only tried to show that there are flaws in their terms of use. Please scroll up to all my previous posts for my opinions on that topic. I appreciate the posts telling me I have no rights, but I actually do. What I did was actually in following the rules set forth by the terms of use. I intend to fight this ruling. I have been in constant contact with the wizard 101 support staff and my case has been turned over to someone in a better position to handle it. (senior wizards they call it) I promise to let you know how it turns out. Thank you again for your posts.

Jan 29, 2011
Firegod5700 wrote:
i do not understand the harshness attatched to the ten year muting on accounts. it is too extreme in my opinion. there is no warning given or even a smaller punishment. it is immediately ten years. what is the point? KI has created a social networking site whether they realize it or not. it is only natural for people to want to develope relationships that have been started on this game and carry them into "real life". i don't see anything wrong with this regardless of their terms of use. it is an egregious error and poor judgement. no offense to the creators of the game, but i don't play this game solely to quest without end. it is the people that you meet along the way that make the game what it is. there are people that i have met that i truly care about and now i have no way of communicating with them or enjoying their company. does KI really think that someone who has been muted will continue to pay for their account for ten years? you are sorely mistaken. i do realize that rules exist for a reason. there should be a warning given before such a punishment is dealt out. going online and finding out you have been muted for ten years is a crushing blow. too extreme and the punishment does not fit the crime. please rethink on this matter. i am not going to be playing wiz anymore. this whole situation is very disheartening to me and makes me sick to think that KI has my money and could care less about one person in ten million. this is a serious issue and needs to be addressed. ten year mutings are ridiculous and extreme and should not be the end result of minor offenses. i doubt seriously that each case is given much scrutiny. please rethink this muting. there must be another way to deal with infractions.

Wow... just... wow...

I never knew TEN YEAR MUTES could happen. That does seem REALLY HARSH! :( I really don't think this should follow up to what FireGod calls, "Minor Offenses!" Also, what he says, "A crushing blow." I agree, waking up in the morning to play only to find out you've been muted for ten years for a minor offense seems beyond mean. This problem should be dealt with. :?