Diego calls pips 'pips', 'power points' and also (once) 'power pips' in the quest Advanced Combat. Also, actual power pips, if pip is short for power point, are power power points. I just think something in this quest's dialogue could be changed because power power points sound weird. Maybe change the term power point, because power pip is used too often elsewhere in game to easily edit.
Also in this quest, he refers to Fire Elf as an Aura spell. I understand that DoT is largely a fan-made term, but since the term Aura spell has been used by Star magic, perhaps this could be changed too. And on the Fire Elf card, it doesn't say 30 + 210, but rather leaves a blank space instead of 210. I think this quest's dialogue could be manipulated to make more sense.
Blaze you're back! I missed discussing Elderado and Wizard102 with you!
If it does say Aura in referring to a Fire Elf, yes they could probably change that. However DOTs do act as aura's in that their effects work over multiple rounds so I guess that is is indeed an aura (just perhaps not in the way players are accustomed too, as it does damage for a few rounds instead of applying a boost.) I do not however think the change for Diego calling pips power points is really necessary. Pips are KingsIsle's kind of own way of saying Manifested Magical Energy and power point is easier way to explain. No one ever uses the term power power point and thus isn't really an issue.