Like any other game, Wizard101 has its glitches and bugs. There is one with the Maple Moose Pet Colors on the housing item, Myth Imp Spell (which was supposed to be fixed, but instead now does 0 damage,) and a newer and rarer glitch ... the Stat Glitch. It's happened a few times to me, and its happened to one of my friends. What the glitch does is makes it so on your stat page, instead of normal damage boost and resist. It shows instead like 1,000,000 damage over and over on the gear and jewel slots and does the same with the resist. Its not just one. The entire thing is full of numbers over 1,000,000. Sometimes there is even three slots! It really isn't a problem because it doesn't affect the stats. (But, if it did i would take advantage of it and do PVP :P)