Here to report another glitch. A while back I hit 8 million on the Sea Lord and it showed up as -8 million, anyway i decided it was time again to hit my biggest hit.
I had basicly the same buffs but this time i had 3 supercharges and i criticaled, thats an additional 140% 168% and 168% (amulet and treasure) and 100% from the critical. So my calculations say it should have hit around 230 million.
Anyway I did it with 3 friends and their screen was showing different than mine, one of them said they saw my 168% supercharge being removed. My screen showed a myth shield but multiple shatter and pierce didn't remove it and i ended up hitting... 600000?
Even through a -80 shield i should have hit somewhere near 45 million, but no. Funny thing is my friends said that they saw no shield and it hit 100million exactly (I would guess that 100 mil is the biggest hit) i have no recording of my friends screen but the last 10 minutes leading up to the hit and the hit, I did record, and there is no way could I have hit only 600'000. This is a copy of my plans what exactly i used. I can't be bothered to do the math but it doesn't add up (if you'll pardon the pun ;)
Well, not too long ago, maybe 2 weeks ago, my friend Kestrel StormRunner and I, set out to do the same thing, give her a grand finale retirement hit.
She wanted the biggest hit possible.
So, we used all the traps, blades, and feints, that you did, including more that you missed.
Pet Feint, Pet Balance Blade, etc.
We actually got a screen shot of the damage done and there was no shield at all.
1.5 Million!!!
Should have done close to a billion if not more. So, my estimation is that there is now a damage cap.
We all saw the exact same thing. The final zero was scrunched, so it might have meant there was more, but, considering we saw 150000o with the last 0 Bigger, just thinner.