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Another Windows 10 bug

Dec 14, 2009
I have noticed since updating to Windows 10, that there is another bug that affects Wizard101. While on the loading screen, if you minimize it to the task bar for any reason, while it is loading the game, it becomes attached to the task bar, and you cannot reopen it. The only apparent way to fix it at that point is reboot cpu, or to abort from task manager. Anyone else have this issue?

Jul 15, 2011
I've been having that issue too. To fix it, I turned off full screen mode in the graphic options. This has allowed me to minimize without any problems.

Mar 13, 2010
Same. If you minimize, you can't ever make the launcher active again. If you Alt + Tab away this doesn't happen.

Jul 14, 2009
same problem occurs if you upgrade to windows 10 and then downgrade back to windows 8.1 or 7. I had to downgrade because windows 10 locked my stepsons windows account when upgrading. but after going back to windows 8.1 on my main computer, the wizard101 icon on taskbar will not always let me get back in game.

May 01, 2013
Have any of you had any problems with your laptops freezing up when going from one area to another? or any glitchy type game flow since you installed windows 10? Any of you in polaris? My laptop acts very laggy there and throughout the game period. I am just wondering if its the game or me. A few of my friends are having issues in polaris as well so i am just curious if it is a software issue, game programming (bugs) issue or my lappy is dying a slow painful death. Thanks all.

Kelly Firedreamer
Exalted Death