Hi! I recently tried playing W101. While loading, some files called MG_(mini game name here).dll had made my Avast! antivirus pop up. It said that not many users of the antivirus encountered those files and thought it was suspicious. I am assuming this is safe, but can I get a confirmation?
I'm guessing you're using Avast. There are known issues with Avast, and you need to contact them to resolve this issue. If you're not using Avast, please let our support team know through an email to help@kingsisle.com
hello i had experinced that same isssue with my anti viris and i got some errors and at first i wasnt sure if it was safe but it is safe you need to download those errors to get the game to pull back up cause i did it and it worked hope this helps you
I'm guessing you're using Avast. There are known issues with Avast, and you need to contact them to resolve this issue. If you're not using Avast, please let our support team know through an email to help@kingsisle.com
Thank you, Professor!
When the Avast window popped up, there were two options: stop the download and download the file. W101 is working for me now.