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AOE animation change concern

Jun 22, 2016
I am having a problem where in a ring where there are 4 mobs, I cannot see the damage I did on the 4th enemy, especially when I use Fire Dragon or Tempest aoe spell. It also cuts off the 3rd mob's damage as well in some fights. Some of them are so tall that the damage cuts off entirely for spells like Tempest. I believe this is due to the angle change of seeing the damage from the lower back of the mobs instead of the front. It is much easier to see the damage and the actual spell for Blizzard when it hits from the front, and Storm Lord when there is a higher up view. I hope you consider reexamining the viewpoint of some of these spells so it is easier to see.

Dec 19, 2011
Some of the new animations have issues with camera angle. A very common occurrence is that the camera is too close to the duel circle.

For example:

Fire dragon: The 3rd enemy blocks my view of my dragon. Move the camera back for the whole animation (not just at the end)

Scarecrow: When the enemy uses it on me (and I'm solo) I can't see how much damage I take because of the camera angle.

Deer knight: I don't even see myself getting hit by the spell.

Jan 18, 2010
This was pointed out in the test realm. Not sure why these issues were carried to the live.

It would be good to see them addressed alongside these ideas implemented:

Enemies should die at the same time rather than one by one.

Enemies should be stunned at the same time rather than one by one [I also feel the stun animation is too long].

The camera angle should pan out depending on the amount of enemies being fought, rather than just one general view. The latter may be a bit more difficult to implement, but I feel this would not only highlight the hard work and creative designs of these spells more, but it would eliminate the issue of not being able to see enemy damage properly.

Dec 19, 2011
Orthrus also has the issue where the camera is way too close to one of the enemies getting hit by the spell.

Also, the single target version of orthrus is using the AoE animation (for example see King Detritus).

Dec 19, 2011
Frost Giant also has the issue where I can't see how much damage I am taking.