At the moment I am extremely agitated and angry about this, but I am going to do my best to stay cool about this as I type this post.
I've spent the entire day farming for two materials needed to craft my storm and balance wizard's wintertusk gear. I thought it was bad enough farming for the stone needed to make a whole 9 sunstones for my balance wizard. Well, being that it takes 15 sandstone to make one sunstone, and takes 10 stone block to make a single sandstone, that makes for a lot of farming (1350 stone block). Still, I did it, no problem, and was done after about a half days work, as I jumped from realm to realm, trying to be first to get to the stone before other people who were farming for it as well.
Then I went on to farm for aether for my storm wizard's gear. It takes 37 aether to make her outfit, and I had six already (mind this is how much I managed to obtain as I leveled two wizards to 55 and higher). Ok, so I need to farm 31 aether, which drops off certain monsters or on harvesting kelp. Well, I spent the other half the day farming for this aether...never got a single drop off a single monster, and managed to harvest a total of four aether off kelp. So in approximately the same amount of time it took me to harvest all the stone I needed, I managed to harvest only four aether. Well, this was already beginning to annoy me. It's late, past my bedtime, and I decided to try the auction house.
Ok, in order to obtain even one aether, you have to be very quick, because it gets bought up just as fast as it gets posted to the auction house. It's bad enough the auction house does not update automatically, so you have to keep opening and closing it to see when any aether is added, but every single time I saw aether, I would click on it, and go to buy it, and it would pop back up to acorn being selected. So I was having to click on aether three and four times, and of course, missing it most times because of this. As a result, I didn't have time to really read the box message that pops up to see that it was clicked on acorn again, and twice, I ended up spending all my money on acorn as I tried to purchase multiple aether. Of course I could sell it back, but selling it back, I don't end up with even a fourth of the money I spent on it.
Why is it that aether drops so infrequently on harvesting kelp, and it seems to NEVER drop off the monsters? The wiki gives a list of monsters that are supposed to drop it, but as I said, I did not get a single drop off a single monster. I feel really bad for all those storm wizards who want to craft their wintertusk gear, because without an insane amount of farming, it's nearly impossible.
And please, do something to fix the auction house. At least make the actual item name in bold red letters on the confirmation box so you can't miss what it is you're actually purchasing, even when you're having to rush.
And one more thing, I realized why it seems people report other people in the auction house. I was having to do so much clicking that I accidentally clicked on several people, and although I never reported anyone, I realized just how easy it would have been to do so. You really do need to fix the auction house to update automatically, so we don't have to do so much clicking to open and close it in order to refresh the list.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and hopefully do something about it.