I have a question regarding access to Avalon and Azteca. It is my understanding the worlds were created for the higher level wizards and to play the game in these areas we needed to finish the worlds before them. I find it aggravating that lower level wizards are able to "port" into these areas, run around freely, jump into well orchestrated battles only to throw up a low level spell and ruin any strategies we are preparing. If these worlds are for level 70 and 80 players, please put a block on these worlds to prevent them from entering. They have no desire to finish the lesser worlds and are making the game that much less fun by bypassing the requirements to enter these areas.
I have a question regarding access to Avalon and Azteca. It is my understanding the worlds were created for the higher level wizards and to play the game in these areas we needed to finish the worlds before them. I find it aggravating that lower level wizards are able to "port" into these areas, run around freely, jump into well orchestrated battles only to throw up a low level spell and ruin any strategies we are preparing. If these worlds are for level 70 and 80 players, please put a block on these worlds to prevent them from entering. They have no desire to finish the lesser worlds and are making the game that much less fun by bypassing the requirements to enter these areas.
Young wizard - on so many levels this is not practical at all. I am not saying it is fun when it happens to you as it has to me many times.
This problem has been on going since Celestia went live and the game play stepped up and more defeat was common. The best you can do it treat it as another challenge in the game. Most higher level wizards choose their friends more wisely too now.
Granted my wizards maybe more advanced for their levels but I have on many occasions ported to worlds above my currently questing one and helped someone so to ban all wouldn't really be a good idea.
I have a question regarding access to Avalon and Azteca. It is my understanding the worlds were created for the higher level wizards and to play the game in these areas we needed to finish the worlds before them. I find it aggravating that lower level wizards are able to "port" into these areas, run around freely, jump into well orchestrated battles only to throw up a low level spell and ruin any strategies we are preparing. If these worlds are for level 70 and 80 players, please put a block on these worlds to prevent them from entering. They have no desire to finish the lesser worlds and are making the game that much less fun by bypassing the requirements to enter these areas.
I completely agree~ this has been going on forever, but it's unlikely that KI will do anything about it.
My wizards do not go to worlds that I haven't unlocked myself via quest progression, unless specifically invited to do so, and there has only been one such instance. While waiting on a friend to return for a Mirror Lake (last dungeon in Zafaria) run, another groupmate took me to see Avalon, though it's probably worth noting that we didn't join any fights and I was level 70 (the level requirement for that world) anyway.
Unfortunately, KI's system is very broken. World access is based on membership~ anyone with a sub can access any world at any time, whether they've unlocked it or not, and setting a level-cap would "violate their subscription rights", as I've seen posted so many times on these forums. The only way to avoid this is keep friend requests and ports turned off at all times and defriend all low-level players, which both limits our access to people who can actually help us and discourages experienced players from helping newbies or low-levels (a lot of whom are children), thus crushing their already-fragile self-esteem.
My porting etiquette:
-always ask before porting; -stick like super-glue to the person you ported to; -do not join any battles, unless specifically invited to do so by the person you ported to; -do not flee or spam "I need healing"; it's annoying and inconsiderate.
I can understand people being excited to see the new worlds, but they have no place in combat and most certainly have no business leeching off others' hard work and effort. Fortunately, KI *has* measures in place to prevent power-leveling, but I still think there should be a cap of some sort. If I see an unaccompanied level 2 in Azteca, I will scream loudly enough to shake every building in the Spiral from its foundation.
-von archmage sorceress & necromancer & various other wizards of all levels, who earn their own way.
Hey everyone remember you can turn the port option off.
As for being upset that a lower level is in your world well thats sounds childish but who am i to judge.
As for jumping into battles, Yeah its irritating but you should have a deck thats ready for business and the unexpected.
If being mad at someone for leeching off of my hard work is childish, then I guess I must be.
If some level 15 ports into a dungeon in Azteca, when I've spent almost 2 years leveling my character to get there, and scoops up thousands of XP that he hasn't earned, it's a huge kick in the face... It's the same as if I'd just completed a great project at work or school and got the same grade as my inexperienced coworker/classmate, who paid someone to do hers. And yes, I'd be equally annoyed in both scenarios.
As I mentioned above, there are 2 major problems with turning ports off and not friending low-levels:
-limits our access to people who can actually help us; -discourages us from helping each other.
Whether in a team or solo, I only pack what's necessary for that instance~ no extras. Just as in my real life, I shouldn't have to carry someone who's unable or unwilling to pull his or her own weight and will gladly kick leeches to the curb.
This is very true, but sometimes others call on younger level people to help them with things like battles, so if you see a younger level wizard, don't fret. They're probably a friend of someone and are helping them out. If not, then well if they join your battle, you could ask them to leave or just chnage realms and flee if it's not to complicated! I hope my advice helps you, ~ Maddie
Also this is a family game so you will run into children that just dont know any better. All i can say is you have to suck it up and play the game, It wont change.
And Von i get you but just because they kick you in the face and make you upset isnt going to change it so you must accept it and deal with it. I dont say these things to upset people im just stating the facts.
Does it make people mad-------Yes. Will it change----------No. Does everyone have to complain about it--------------No.
Also this is a family game so you will run into children that just dont know any better. All i can say is you have to suck it up and play the game, It wont change.
And Von i get you but just because they kick you in the face and make you upset isnt going to change it so you must accept it and deal with it. I dont say these things to upset people im just stating the facts.
Does it make people mad-------Yes. Will it change----------No. Does everyone have to complain about it--------------No.
Does everyone have to complain about it? Yes, we do~ if we just sit back and take it, nothing will change. The OP isn't the first one to raise this issue, and I doubt he'll be the last.
Sure, there are kids in-game~ that doesn't bother me, since I used to play with my young nephew. But I should hope that, if you are old enough to play this game, you are also old enough to respect social norms and the wants/needs of others who share the same space. Actually, a fellow poster on the Ravenwood Commons board put it perfectly:
"When someone is allowed Carte Blanche, instead of earning their access, there is no incentive to behave or respect the rules."
I second this, and I think this lack of respect is the biggest problem in-game right now. You and I think a lot alike, Gunslinger, and we agree on many things, but this is not one of them.
I think what i mean when i say not to complain about it is that it honestly will not benefit you to complain. We all know that it sucks when these things happen and are all irritated when it does but in my 15 years of online gaming experience, and trust me ive played countless titles, They will not change how this is because of numerous reasons. Number one being they would have to re adjust code for the game which would mean downtime and money spent. Secondly because it would hurt more than it would help because so many use lower levels to assist them when in need.
So everyone please understand if i come off arrogant i do apologize but from my experiences complaining is just wasting your time and straining everyones eyes.
I have a question regarding access to Avalon and Azteca. It is my understanding the worlds were created for the higher level wizards and to play the game in these areas we needed to finish the worlds before them. I find it aggravating that lower level wizards are able to "port" into these areas, run around freely, jump into well orchestrated battles only to throw up a low level spell and ruin any strategies we are preparing. If these worlds are for level 70 and 80 players, please put a block on these worlds to prevent them from entering. They have no desire to finish the lesser worlds and are making the game that much less fun by bypassing the requirements to enter these areas.
I agree so much. It's even more annoying when people don't have the Open/Text Chat. I would have so much traps and the wizard would just ruin it by using a weak spell like a wand spell. I really hate when that happens. I think your right about them making low leveled people who haven't gotten the access to the world. But think about it like this, what happens if you friend needs help while your in Avalon and he is in Azteca. So it's kind of like 50/50.
I agree so much. It's even more annoying when people don't have the Open/Text Chat. I would have so much traps and the wizard would just ruin it by using a weak spell like a wand spell. I really hate when that happens. I think your right about them making low leveled people who haven't gotten the access to the world. But think about it like this, what happens if you friend needs help while your in Avalon and he is in Azteca. So it's kind of like 50/50.
My theory is, if you're invited there by a friend who has gained access and she says that it's okay for you to join her fights, by all means do. I won't speak for everyone on this thread, but my own ire is directed specifically at those who port to high-level friends without askingas a means of circumventing the system or who join random battles without any regard for the other person already fighting.
If you're level 12 and port to a friend in Azteca without asking, you're disrupting her experience because you can't hold your own in combat and will be reliant on her to survive; if, like your example, you're in Avalon (level 70-80), then chances are that you already have most, if not all, of the tools needed for combat in Azteca, meaning that you won't be dependent on your higher-level friend for survival (or spam "I need healing" every 2 seconds).
When dealing with menu-chatters, the first thing I say is "Don't attack my target"~ meaning that you can do whatever you want to the extra monster *you* dragged in, but don't interfere with my existing strategy. If they do so anyway, I flee and switch realms: I don't have the time or patience for people who can't or won't respect me. Same goes for those with text or open chat who deliberately ignore my polite request to leave my stuff alone.