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Bad Lag at exacly the same time everyday

Apr 09, 2011
Ive sent my client log to support to see if they can sort out wats goin on but thought i might ask everyone else as well. At the same time, 6pm Australian time, every single night, the game lags bigtime. Ive turned everything off, tried playing it in stupid 800-600 res and not fullscreen, and it still lags badly. Sometimes spiking for 40-60 seconds at a time. I dont understand why it does it at exacly the same time every single day. This lag period must last for at least 8 hours (probably longer, just cant be bothered staying up past 2am to find out).

May 20, 2010
If it starts up at that time of day and continues for a long time, it's a network problem. This is common in Australia, especially in the Sydney-Melbourne area, and especially in either city. They don't have enough bandwidth or hardware to keep up with the soaring demand. While they're working on increasing both, it's been a game of catch-up for a long time. 6 p.m. would be about the time that everybody is getting on the internet.

The problem could be with your ISP, and/or it could be with Telstra. All Australian internet connections go through Telstra to reach the outside world. If Telstra is lagging, all of Australia is lagging. I've read about high latency (lag spikes) as bad as 75,000 ms. This means that for a minute and fifteen seconds, nothing will happen.

Here are a few things you can try, none of which is guaranteed to help:

1) When the game lags badly, try switching servers. Sometimes establishing a new connection will clear up the lag.

2) Stay on Wizard101 servers marked "Perfect". Most should be this way at the time of day you're trying to connect.

3) Try to find a Wizard101 server that works well and stay with it. While it isn't likely, using a specific server may change the routing somehow and clear up most of the lag issues.

May 22, 2009
I had the same problem at one time. The answer wasn't in the game mechanics but within my own internet connection. It would work great up until 7pm and then i would lag so much I couldn't play, even though web pages loaded fine (albeit a little slow). At the time I had satellite connection and the company over sold their band width. This may be your problem.

What sort of internet connection do you have?
Do you have problems with loading regular web pages?

Hannah Lifebringer Level 60 Life

Mar 18, 2009
I'm no techie or expert, but if you are playing from Austrailia and the server is in the US or UK is it not going to lag because of internet latency? You would need a server in Asia somewhere, right?

Also, I might be getting my time zones messed up, but if I'm correct, KI does maintence often during that time too (300am to 800am CST).

Jun 03, 2009
Some companies would like to say its the other guys fault you can't let where you want to go do as you PAID to do or play. I may not be the brightist one here when it comes to that BUT having the same issues everyday and I have them as well means its not outside the game but indeed INSIDE this games servers. I hae been having the same problem freezing for over FIVE minutes waitng for kings to open a few more AREAS when the game gets this busy. I did notice a couple more Realms have been added to the game but when its hot outside kids stay inside and play the game. same thing when its very cold out children stay indoors and play making the game busy Kings may not be watching this as close as they should what will they do if a few say they will stop paying to play I bet they pay atention then and do the right thing. Thanks for th thead.

Dec 24, 2009
I'm not sure about this, but if it is fine, and then all of a sudden it lags tremendously at exactly 6:00pm your time everyday, it could be because KingsIsle might be turning off something at that time. That time is when "noone" is on in the USA, and they might have underprojected how much they need during that time.

I have no idea if this is it, and no, I do not work for KingsIsle.

Apr 09, 2011
Well thank you very much for the input. So basically its nothing i can change, in game, its a network problem that starts up everyday at 6:00pm on the dot. Well thats a bugger. Im living 4 hours north of Brisbane by the way, in Queensland. And using a mobile broadband usb stick. So i cant really do anything about it. Does anyone know if their planning to make a server closer to australia? :)

Mar 18, 2009
stacey2009249 wrote:
Well thank you very much for the input. So basically its nothing i can change, in game, its a network problem that starts up everyday at 6:00pm on the dot. Well thats a bugger. Im living 4 hours north of Brisbane by the way, in Queensland. And using a mobile broadband usb stick. So i cant really do anything about it. Does anyone know if their planning to make a server closer to australia? :)


I can tell you from experience, wireless even in the USA lags much worse than a hardline. I still don't have a good answer for the same time, every day situation you have. But I do know, online gaming is always better if you connect directly to the router.

Jul 28, 2011
I'm in Adelaide and I get the same problem every night around 8:00-9:00. I have a direct ADSL2 line with good speed.

No other internet activity is effected, just this game.

Even when I try bring up the realm list to change realms it won't come up some nights.

I will be in battle and nothing happens, then 10 minutes later it says I've been defeated.

It gets really frustrating.

We have to pay to open up all the worlds, but sometimes I really doubt it's worth it.

Why won't King Isle admit there's a problem here and support the customers instead of blaming it on our end?

Sep 29, 2008
well since its lasting for like 8 hours it could also be the time every one is logging on or off of the game i have been kicked offline many times because of the server being busy logging people on and although i don't know if it translates to the same lag your getting it would kind of fit the time slot of how long i lag when everyone jumps online at once.

Mar 13, 2011
LegendaryWizard391 wrote:
Why won't King Isle admit there's a problem here and support the customers instead of blaming it on our end?

You shouldn't assume that the fault lies with KI, because if it did there would be a lot more complaining about the issue on this forum, for sure.

A cursory bit of research would have revealed to you that broadband users all over Australia have had the exact same problems you all have described, with any game whatsoever (due to it's data-intensive stream, so the web may run ok on occasion) starting at 6-7PM local time, going back to April 2010 and possibly earlier.

You'll have to blame your side of the big pond for the mess. I am betting the severe latency is happening on the coast, in New Zealand, or one of the hops in between those two, if there are any. Since it is happening at the exact same time each day, obviously someone is throwing a switch on the backbone, probably some form of traffic policing/filtering like packet buckets or some junk like that.

Best you can do is try a trace route to some US servers to reveal where it is occuring, and try to get some answers from the owners of that segment.

Jul 27, 2011
I have this problem except I have 2 accounts at 6pm on the dot one account becomes unplayable while the other account remains fine I have tried running just one account at a time but this one account always has bad lag, I have tried them on seperate computers and also ran them on the one computer at the same time, in total I have tried this on the 3 computers in or house and this one account always lags but the other one never does.

We have Optus adsl2 my friend has Telstra adsl2 and he tried this one account at his house and he had no lag with it.

Im just completly baffled at why one account would lag and the other one wouldnt.

Sep 12, 2011
stacey2009249 wrote:
Ive sent my client log to support to see if they can sort out wats goin on but thought i might ask everyone else as well. At the same time, 6pm Australian time, every single night, the game lags bigtime. Ive turned everything off, tried playing it in stupid 800-600 res and not fullscreen, and it still lags badly. Sometimes spiking for 40-60 seconds at a time. I dont understand why it does it at exacly the same time every single day. This lag period must last for at least 8 hours (probably longer, just cant be bothered staying up past 2am to find out).

This happens to me as well? Apart from i'm from the UK... its really annoying!

Feb 25, 2009
kingurz wrote:
stacey2009249 wrote:
Well thank you very much for the input. So basically its nothing i can change, in game, its a network problem that starts up everyday at 6:00pm on the dot. Well thats a bugger. Im living 4 hours north of Brisbane by the way, in Queensland. And using a mobile broadband usb stick. So i cant really do anything about it. Does anyone know if their planning to make a server closer to australia? :)


I can tell you from experience, wireless even in the USA lags much worse than a hardline. I still don't have a good answer for the same time, every day situation you have. But I do know, online gaming is always better if you connect directly to the router.


Kingurz is right about playing this game on wirelesss. Especially when the kids are out of school, wireless will lag severely. Direct connect to router is much better.

Also, you might check your graphics drivers. If your drivers are out of date or damaged it will also cause this kind of problem.

As to the possibility of a server being closer to you? Good question. I do know that KI has been working with China to get the game available there. This may or may not be another solution for you, but may also be a while in the future before it actually happens.

Good luck

Sep 23, 2010
Same time everyday thats a bummer...but i have experienced this, not same time everyday but i freeze a lot and i am running a core 2 duo with a cooling system and an enhanced graphics card and a broadband connection at 9.0 mbs

but Ki says its our fault..typical...i have lost huge battles because the server never caught up with my game, and there is a certain area in dragonspyre and in mooshu that lags everytime i go in it in mooshu its a certain section of the village of sorrow, and in dragonspyre its in the crystal fields...i'll be running along full speed trying to get to a boss and next thing i know i have frozen and when it comes back 2 minutes later i am in a fight and have barely any health..hate it :(

goodluck to you downunder..hope it gets worked out for you