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Balance Critical Block Doing Good but Unfair

Apr 04, 2010
Is it me or does balance critical block really block everything? No one has ever used it on me but I have been blocking a lot critical lately and i am posting this for the good for all of you. I know glitches happen sometime but this isn't a glitch! The gear said it only gives 33 balance critical but it appears as 33 critical block for all critical block! It is impossible to get that much critical block in one gear! I scrolled over the places and it only says the percent for balance but not for others. Here is my proof this is not a glitch, I was battling some death minions and an ice boss and they all scored critical and i blocked them all! What is happening KI?!

Nov 01, 2008
I think this was intended as balance is the center of schools, they have many advantages and disadvantages that other schools do not. Balance has hex, balanceblade, bladestorm, and helping hands, but the problem is we cant do much against our own school. I am pretty sure KingsIsle wished to balance out the game and give balance a better critical block then everyone so that its fair. Besides, any school can have this one pair of shoes available at the bazaar that have health and 67 critical block. Don't complain about it, it will assist your gameplay ;)

Feb 23, 2010
This is certainly not fair and is a bug that needs to be corrected. You can't have balance shoes that gives school boosts and critical block to all schools. It's like ice having ice gear that gives ice boosts and resist to all. And let me not get started on the schools that have the upper hand on power pips and can still wear gear that gives great stats. The balance between schools seems to be getting farther apart with every update. People know who the power schools are now and use that to their advantage, especially in the arena.

Feb 25, 2009
rmperrez wrote:
This is certainly not fair and is a bug that needs to be corrected. You can't have balance shoes that gives school boosts and critical block to all schools. It's like ice having ice gear that gives ice boosts and resist to all. And let me not get started on the schools that have the upper hand on power pips and can still wear gear that gives great stats. The balance between schools seems to be getting farther apart with every update. People know who the power schools are now and use that to their advantage, especially in the arena.

Be glad you have that ability. There will be battles that you will be very glad you do have it. I like my balance wizard and don't want to have these abilities changed.

As for the balance between schools getting farther apart, NO. The gear along with the spells you learn along with the critical and block is what gives you a lot of the strength that may make the difference as to whether you survive a BIG BOSS battle. Each school is designed to have their own strength and the gear that each wizard chooses to wear can determine their power pips. I have a legendary life that is at 98% power pips and could go over 100% depending on the gear. I chose to stay at the lower rate just to have some resistance and damage percentage against other schools. I have also done the same on my Legendary Fire.

My wizards have fought with and against all schools and believe me. I was glad that those schools had the abilities that they do have or I would not have survived. So my suggestion is to leave the criticals and blocks alone. Not all balance wizards are going to feel the same way you do and they don't want those changed. Fighting balance against balance is a challenge as it is. You have to remember that this school does not have prisms and shields against balance like the other schools have. The criticals and blocks on balance is just a good way to BALANCE things out.

And as for having shoes that give boosts and critical block to all schools, WHY NOT?

Leave the Critical and Block system alone. The only reason to complain about it, is only if it is not working for your wizard AT ALL.

Fallon WinterGarden
Grand Master Balance lvl 52